[hider=Jedi] [hider=OoC] [b] As a player, what is your preferred writing level? [/b] Several paragraphs Long stories with heavy collaboration [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] Yes [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] I enjoy almost all writing equally, but I enjoy writing about character development and action sequences. [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] Nothing in particular. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Not really, I am quite open to literally anything happening to my character. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] Short-term, I want to see my character explore the balance of the force while being tempted to go explore her family history which may develop into a temptation to abandon the order. Long-term, I want to see her develop into a Jedi Sage (or Shadow depending on how her character develops) then maybe into a master. [/hider] [hider=Jedi Temple Public Records] [b] Name: [/b] San Anin [b] Species: [/b] Kel Dor [b] Homeworld: [/b] Dorin [b] Age: [/b] 16 [b] Gender: [/b] Female [b] Rank: [/b] Padawan [b] Master: [/b] Kyla Vondin - Current Miljaco Bleslew - Former [b] Former master(s): [/b] Not Applicable [b] Known Skills: [/b] [hider=Known Lightsaber Combat Forms] Form I: Shii-Cho // Intermediate Form II: Makashii // Beginner [/hider] [b] Trained Force Techniques: [/b] All basic Jedi Techniques - Includes Tutaminis // Trained-Talent. Breath Control // Novice Force Empathy // Untrained Talent Tapas // No Training [b] Known associates: [/b] Padawan Bryethe Farlance - Friend [b] Favored Equipment and clothes: [/b] Traditional Jedi Robes A green-bladed lightsaber with a curved hilt [b] Personality type: [/b][list] Inquisitive, Anti-Social, and Focused [*] San has proven herself to be exceptionally dillegent in her studies of the force and how it operates. She has shown to block out most distractions so that she would be able to hone her focus on the Force even further, yet this does tend to alienate her from some of her peers. Additionally, San seems to alienate herself from most others as she has exhibited a mild tendancy to view others as a distraction from her studies, even if the would be valuable advice from a teacher. San, simply shows no interest in the dealings of others, yet, her focus on the Force has made her an effective user of it.[/list] [b] Known flaws: [/b][list] [*]San has essentially abandoned her studies in lightsaber combat, making her dueling skills rather lackluster compared to most of her peers. [*]Due to her anti-social nature, San has become rather awkward with talking, even to instructors or masters. [*]San still holds to her family close to her mind. She is finding it difficult to let go despite being taken to the Jedi Order at four. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Jedi Temple Internal Records] [h3][sub]Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.[/sub][/h3] [hider=Physiological Archive Entry] [i]SUBJECT: San Anin AGE: 16 DATE OF ENRRY: 09.23.05 San Anin now stands 5'7" and has adopted to painting the markings of Baran Do among her body, notably on her left shoulder as to hide it with her Jedi robes. Her breath mask and goggles are as standard as they come, grey in color to continue to contrast with her bright orange skin. Her skin is just as wrinkled as most other Kel Dor, but her skin does not bear any scars or deformities that exist within her species. Beneath her goggles, San continues to have the silver eyes that are prominent within force users of her species. She does, however, have longer nails than normal, perhaps due to the fact she does not clip them often. Additionally, the sensory organs on the sides of her head are smaller than average but does not seem to have any detrimental effect to her normal functions/[/i] [/hider] [h3][sub]Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill level.[/sub][/h3] [hider=Voice Log] [i]Author: Renshe Tathol, Jedi Watchman Subject: San Anin Date: 13:00 3.12.4 [9 Years Ago] Youngling San Anin has proven to have a strong connection of the force and has seemingly dedicated herself to the study of it. However, it has been noted that even in her free time she has taken to studying the force and is rarely seen with her peers outside of instruction. Her instructor has been informed to encourage her to interact with her peers outside of her teachings.[/i] [hr] [i]Author: Renshe Tathol, Jedi Watchman Subject: San Anin Date: 13:00 9.02.2 [7 Years Ago] It has been noted that Youngling San Anin has continued a heavy study of the force, however, she has shown no development of interactions outside of her studies. Her understanding has led to her being more advanced than other younglings in a practical use and spiritual use of the Force. Despite constant urging from her instructor, San has only interacting with very few other younglings and these events are too few and far between to take notice of. [/i] [hr] [i]Author: Nala Morso, Jedi Watchman Subject: San Anin Date: 15:00, 1.10.4 ATC [3 years ago] Youngling San has shown to be delving into the more advanced techniques in the force and has taken to furthering the uses of Tutaminis. San has been practicing the techniques needed to properly hone in this ability and has shown such an advancement that she is remarkably ahead of her peers in terms of Force understanding. However, she is not ready for her Initiate Trials.[/i] [hr] [i]Author: Nala Morso, Jedi Watchman Subject: San Anin Date: 15:00, 2.10.6 ATC [Latest Entry] It is with a happy heart that I may report that San Anin has achieved a mastery over the basic Jedi arts and has managed to achieve a vast understanding of Breath Control and Force Empathy. The latter of which was learned so that she may better understand how other creatures may feel, as well as to get past her long period of awkwardness in conversation. She is aware of the risks that Force Empathy has, but she has a strong mind, so it is doubtful that she will be swayed by emotion.[/i] [/hider] [h3][sub]Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill[/sub][/h3] [hider=Reports] [i]Author: Renshe Tathol, Jedi Watchman Subject: San Anin Date: 10:00 3.15.2 [7 Years Ago] Youngling San Anin seems to be a surprisingly well adapted to navigating star charts, she seems to simply know the quickest routes between stars and it makes me believe that should she fail her initiate trials, she would make a fine member of the Exploration Corp. It is almost as if she is a droid designed for the same purpose, but she does have her imperfections in it. I believe it is all that time she spends studying that allows her to have this precise knowledge, at the very least she will be effective in such a position. [hr] Author: Nala Morso, Jedi Watchman Subject: San Anin Date: 15:00, 2.10.1 ATC [5 years ago] Youngling San Anin has shown herself to be quite the investigator, her time spent studying force abilities and techniques have induced a skill of research that is highly developed within a child. No doubt that as she grows older, San will become a person who may do some good keeping records or investigating into matters that most others may have trouble on. She is quite the competent one with matters of deduction and the like, though this has still translated into poor lightsaber skills.[/i] [/hider] [h3][sub]Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.[/sub][/h3] [hider=General Evaluation] [i]Author: Nala Morso, Jedi Watchman Subject: San Anin Date: 15:00, 09.25.5 ATC San Anin, despite having been trained thoroughly on the arts of dueling and three of the lightsaber forms, has shown utter negligence in practice of the abilities of her weapon. While she knows the maneuvers and strikes, she seems to have never put them into practice despite constant urging from instructors to be able to properly complete her trials if she wanted to become a proper member of the order. However, with her lackluster lightsaber skills in practical uses, she is knowledgeable of what she needs to do in order to hold her, it is merely a problem of putting that knowledge onto the field where the problem lies. [/i] [/hider] [h3][sub]Detailed notes on political influence and associates. [/sub][/h3] N/A [h3][sub]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Order and Republic.[/sub][/h3] N/A [h3][sub]List and description of other known associates, including intimates.[/sub][/h3] [list][*]Bryethe Farlance - Friend [*]Kyla Vondin - Master[/list] [h3][sub]List of all known ownership, including vessels, (non-standard) equipment, and locations.[/sub][/h3][list][*]Old Holo-Recorder with a recording of her family - Currently Confiscated [*]Several Holobooks on the Force and Force Abilities.[/list] [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of Jedi Order member.[/sub][/h3] [hider=Evaluation] SUBJECT: San Anin AGE: 16 DATE OF ENRRY: 09.24.05 Youngling San Anin is a rare case, being taken into the Order at the age of four, she has already had her family cemented into her mind and she continues to find it difficult to let go. She does feel a connection with her family on a personal level, even though her memories also make her view the Jedi Order as a family as well. Moving forward, it is imperative that the Order tries to minimize this connection as little as possible, however, taking away her Holo-recorder may incite resentment in the Order. San Anin is, however, a diligent spirit who remains focused on her work and will likely continue to keep her head in some form of a data-pad. She is very much one who will block out distractions and focus on the task that she has in front of her, which may benefit her ability to get tasks done. Yet, San Anin will also block out others who may be trying to help her and she does sever her connections with others even if it may be more beneficial for her to have another person's insight. It is with this that San Anin has become rather awkward when dealing with others, which is rather unbefitting of a Jedi. This awkwardness stems from a fear of saying the wrong thing, embarrassing herself, and overall, just trying to not make a bad impression of herself. While socially, she may be awkward and overthink a bit, San Anin is a very inquisitive person and tries to satitate her curiosity by finding any knowledge that may pertane for what she is currently obsessed on. She does have a lasting love of reading anything that is related to the Force, which is something any master may need to instill caution in as her curiosity may push her too far. While currently, this obsession is currently with what she can learn from the Jedi, it is unknown if she is fully aware of the allure of the Dark Side and if she is actively limiting herself to the Jedi Archives or not. Caution must be taught to her, lest she walk down a path she can never return. [/hider] [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3][list] [*]Suspected connection to her biological family may lead her to the dark side. [*]Her curiosity is a facet of her personality that may lead her to a darker path in an attempt to satiate her own desire for knowledge. [*]Her anti-social nature makes it hard for her to be a negotiator, as Jedi typically are, furthermore it makes her alienated from the rest of the Order.[/list] [h3][sub]All known interests of the force-user.[/sub][/h3][list] [*]Furthering her knowledge and understanding the Force. [*]Desire to become Jedi Sage [*]Learn more of her family and potentially reconnect with them.[/list] [h3][sub]Notes on skillset specialization, if applicable.[/sub][/h3] N/A [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3][list] [*]Successful Completion of Initiate Trials [*]Construction of Lightsaber[/list] [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3][list] [*]Found Holo-recorder with family. Having trouble detaching from her family and their traditions. [*]Lightsaber skills almost have caused her to fail her Initiate Trials. Unlikely to hold own in a duel. [/list] [hider=Interview] San Anin was born and partially raised on Dorin, during the Great Galactic War where she would know relative peace from the blights of the war. Her biological family had kept her from the sight of the Jedi Order for a time before a recruiter had investigated a tip that there may be a force-sensitive child in the family. Initial questionings of the family were fruitless as they denied to have had ownership of San Anin in an effort to keep her away from the Order. It is believed that the family hid San Anin in an attempt to hide her from the war, not wanting to know that their daughter died in a fight that was not hers to fight. However, a dedicated recruiter eventually had a sight of the young Anin, seeing her peak out of her room with the silver eyes that the Kel Dor force-sensitives had. After a brief, yet forward conversation, the recruiter managed to get the family to willingly give up San Anin. The family had a very long, saddened departure from San Anin before the recruiter could finally take her to a proper location. Being a later arrival to the Order made it hard for her to properly separate from her biological family, a challenge that still has a grip over her. San Anin has, however, taken very eagerly to being a member of the Order, namely learning about the Force and all of its qualities. She is an inquisitive girl and has shown no signs stopping this curiousness that she holds for the Force. Yet, it has been noted by a few of her instructors over time that she prefers to keep to herself and tends to solve problems on her own rather than with her fellow initiates. It would be learned from her parents that this anti-social behavior was even normal before she had been recruited to the Order. It was not the fault of the transition to a new environment, but rather it has seemed to be a born behavior that was likely further instilled as her parents tried to keep her from the Order. It was with this information that it is understood what had caused her to develop an awkwardness as she has never truly interacted with another on a personal level, purely on some form of Professional level. Yet, there was one other Initiate to properly break through this awkwardness, Bryethe Farlance. That initiate managed to break through San Anin's awkwardness after years of constant persistence in interaction to the point where San Anin did not become so shy or timid around her. It was during this time of friendship that San Anin shadowed Brythe for quite some time until Brythe's ascension to becoming a Padawan. After losing Brythe, San Anin reverted back into her anti-social self which has shown that she operates best with someone who can break through those initial barriers. Later, she engaged in her Initiate Trials, a rather recent event, where she passed the first two portions of her trial with flying colors, given her connection and understanding of the Force and the Jedi Code. The construction of her lightsaber was a rather unique one in that she studied each piece one by one through the force before connecting the pieces. It was as if she sought to understand every facet of her weapon, however, she does not wield it effectively. Her third part of the trial, however, was the tensest as she had to face what would tempt her to the dark side. While it is assumed that she faced her family, San Anin did not want to divulge too many details regarding the event, only that she succeeded in her trial. Whatever it was clearly troubled her. However, it was this part of the trial that had caused her to initially fail her ascension into becoming a padawan. This caused to her to turn into herself even further, and when she was eventually coaxed to reveal what she had faced in that third trial. The reasoning for her failure was indeed that she had to let go of her family, something she found increasingly hard to complete. With much guidance, she eventually returned to face the trials in which she managed to pass in successfully letting go of her attachment to her family. After passing her trials and earning the title of 'Padawan', Miljaco Bleslew elected to be her master. While Miljaco proved to be an adequate master for San Anin, it was merely not meant to last as it would not be but two months later when her master would be assassinated by a bounty hunter employed by the sith. Miljaco was killed while protecting San Anin, who merely did not have the skill to fight such a battle against a trained assassin due to her lack of skills with her lightsaber. However, he managed to buy her enough time to escape. When she was found once more, it was very easily sensed that she was a mess of emotion and while San Anin was controlling them, there was much conflict within her. To compensate for her lack of training with a lightsaber, she was assigned to Battlemaster Kyla Vondin. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]