[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00aeef]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/16/fe/3316fe559f13dd3bbefa84bd6e602b5e.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Quarantine [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Manny could tell pretty fast his presence was unwelcome. Sometimes he forgot that compared to many other survivors he had it pretty good in recent years. He was almost always behind walls of some sort, with many sealed doors between him and the outside. There were for sure exceptions, the last few months being the most recent one. But many people were tense now when approached by strangers. Worried for what they might do. And these people had a kid, a baby at that. Had Manny been what the young couple had been through he isn't sure he would be as open to interaction with so many new people all at once either. He was hesitant with the people he was with now when they first met. Granted, he was a prisoner of Eden at the time. Now, they were in a well armed, and fortified camp, with more new people they a single person might be able to count. No, this was probably too much for them. Though both of them were willing to give their names, so he figured that was something at least. Tatiana, and Jack. He did take note how they avoided introducing their child. Again, didn't blame them. He just thought it was sad that so many people felt they needed to be so distrustful. He wasn't innocent himself though. Thalia had a brief conversation with both of them, Manny figured being new to the party he probably couldn't add much without making things more tense. Thalia ended the conversation and Manny agreed with her that it was probably time to get up. "[color=00aeef]It was nice meeting you both. Sorry for the disturbance.[/color]" Manny made his way out of his chair and debating giving the child a small wave just to see if he would smile or not. Thinking about it, he decided it probably wasn't best to push things with them. Not until they were more comfortable with the situation. After stepping away from the couple Manny sighed. "[color=00aeef]Hey Thalia, I think I am out of touch with too many people nowadays. It's showing now too.[/color]" Manny grabbed himself a cup of coffee and sat down in the first empty seat he could find. He would get better as time went on here, but for now, he had to be smart about these things. Approaching the young couple with the baby wasn't the best idea now that he thought about it. Before Manny had a chance to butcher another potential friendship a group of three people walked in with papers and a series of carts. Carrying clothes and shoes? That would be a nice change to things. Robes were comfy and all, but they only did so much practically. The man leading this new group of people seemed serious, someone to not mess with. Good posture too. Manny wondered what the man did before the old world fell apart. The first rule he listed seemed pretty strait forward. Do not stab them in the back. Manny didn't have the means to do that effectively, and no reason to do so. He had no reason to give these people to not trust him, and he had no reason to not trust them. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00a651]Private Hunter James Monroe[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://imagesvc.timeincapp.com/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fewedit.files.wordpress.com%2F2016%2F07%2Fhacksaw-ridge-1.jpg%3Fw%3D612&w=1000&c=sc&poi=face&q=70[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Lice and Tick removal -> Quarantine [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] It would appear that Hunter wasn't helping his issue with causing people to not trust him. Granted, he didn't trust any of them either. Sure they didn't shoot him in the back. Yet. But his old unit didn't yet either. At least to him. Same with his last group. They would have eventually. And he would be damned if he let his guard down now, after getting this far into this shit show. Hunter noticed one of the guards came back to watch over their hair cutting. Shame, meant if something went down it would be two against him. And one had firepower. Though he was impressed to see that the old man, Shears, had been a barber for so long. It's rare that someone can stick with their passion, especially after everyone is dead. And then some. "[color=00a651]Is it safe to say you like to cut hair then? Since you've been doing it so long?[/color]" Hunter did figure he pushed the questions a bit much as Shears got the idea pretty fast. Hunter did a little chuckle in response to Shears observation. "[color=00a651]We're not alone? Also, I am just a curious little boy who likes to know things.[/color]" He said in his most innocent voice. "[color=00a651]Though you're not likely to go for that gag. Truth be told, I do like knowing things. But that Helicopter thing is mostly just bugging me now.[/color]" He wondered if they were looking for something. And if so, what. Shears was not impressed with his questioning though. "[color=00a651]All my blocks are well accounted for. And they aren't my people. I just happened to be near them when we were spotted. I came alone with my dog. People are too... Untrustworthy if you know what I mean. Dogs, they're loyal to the very end.[/color]" Though, shears commenting on how bad things might be with Maddog didn't help. It only meant that his first impressions were really starting to struggle. When they finished Hunter stood up and thanked the man with a polite "[color=00a651]Thank you.[/color]" and a wave. And he followed the major back to the conference room. Once back at the conference room Hunter walked in quietly, not speaking a word. Just observing, and listening. He had drawn a lot of attention to himself. And he didn't want to give another indirect impression of himself to all the new people just because he was in the same room as one person he might piss off. So he would stay quiet. Soon after a few people came in with carts, buckets, and clothes. Hunter debated getting some food, but something about the head honcho of the new arrivals reminded him of something. Was he military too? He almost wanted to stand in attention rather then get food. But he had lacked a meal since... longer then he could recount. It had mostly been scraps he has been getting by on just to stay alive. Didn't help he was carrying enough gear for a fully equipped soldier, and then some. He grabbed a plate and threw on food, not caring what food it was, just something, and ate it down like it was the last meal he was ever going to have. As if someone was going to take it away from him. He did notice the words coming from the man named Gunny. He was some kind of officer, made sense. He had that presence. But Hunter took note of the first rule. Don't stab them in the back. Seemed like a weird one to start with. Hunter wondered if they were talking to him directly. But subtly. He slowed down on the food now. He was listening. Was this a warning? A threat? God he wished he wasn't unarmed. All he could do now was wait, listen, and be ready to act if things did go south. He wanted to tell himself that they wouldn't because if they would it would have happened already, but he still couldn't convince himself that without thinking he was foolish.