[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c48684b4-d08f-48bf-95a4-f0ae90b41385.png[/img][/center][hr] Shun followed along behind Colgate-sensei as he led them out into the wilderness surrounding the academy. He wasn't expecting practical training so soon, but it was a welcome surprise. Classrooms always made him antsy. Sitting anywhere for extended periods of time did, really. And the campus was so pretty, not like the clinical controlledness of UA or other hero schools, it was wilderness - untamed, chaotic, [i]real[/i]. Some might think that just speaks to the inadequacy of Jigokuraku, that they don't have the funding to wrangle the surrounding countryside into shape, but to Shun it brought a touch of realism to the simulated rigor of hero training. It was small, almost negligible, but it was the difference between handling robots in an orderly cityscape and racing through the ruins of an old city looking for dummies. Hero work is chaos, and chaos cannot ever fully be mimicked in a controlled environment. When they arrived in The Field™, Shun craned his head around for a better view. There were still trails, which meant there was even more to explore beyond this. Guodo's mention of old shrines caught his attention; that sounded cool, he'd definitely have to check those out whenever he got the chance. But right now, that circle that the teacher mentioned demanded his attention. He narrowed his eyes at the location in question, forcing his brain to think analytically rather than get sidetracked by the new sights. The exam taught him that Jigokuraku seemed to have a flair for the dramatic, and he didn't need to be caught off guard. Windy was the only clue they'd been given. Helicopter landing? But what would be the point of that? Was someone with a quirk like Hiroki's going to touch down and attack? Or was some kind of horrifying tornado machine buried there? Shun approached cautiously, but gave the circle a wide berth as instructed. He wanted to be close enough that he could pixelate into the fray if needed, but he also didn't want to be so close that he'd end up in trouble. Maybe he should've stayed back by that big guy that Shiki was hiding behind earlier - Kenji was his name, right? - he looked pretty sturdy and would make good cover for whatever was coming. No, his maneuverability was his strong suit, he needed to be in front to capitalize on that. All this guesswork was making his head hurt though. [color=2EFEC8]"I feel like this is gonna be like the entrance exam. Stay alert, guys."[/color] Shun called out, despite assuming that everyone else would've come to the same conclusion. Couldn't hurt to let everyone know what page he was on, at least. [hr][hider=tl;dr]Shun follows the class out to the field, bracing himself for the inevitable wind that Guodo had mentioned while he overthinks the hell out of what the circle's purpose could be.[/hider]