That telling pause spoke volumes in place of what she said. She was able to deduce that, given Fuyuko's nervousness upon the approaching topic, neither one of them wanted her to know exactly what this social group was about. If they didn't want her to know for sure then it was most likely involved in the Hex Night. "I see." Her expression remained the same as she continued along. Though it remained unspoken she was no less aware of the reality of their relationship. Regardless of how they felt about each other one was just an obstacle before the other. Sooner or later someone's dream would have to come to an end so that the other may push forward on this constant struggle to make their heart's desire a reality. A cruel means to an end. [b]"Have you met any others here? Besides us?"[/b] Sophia simply shook her head. "Besides those who I witnessed in the aforementioned conflict earlier I have met no one else." She softly sighed as she looked up at the dimming of the evening twilight while she rolled along on the sidewalk. It was a lonesome road to walk, one she was well familiar with. She had never connected too well with the magical girls of Britain due to her juxtaposition against the values of happiness and light that most all magical girls uphold. She fought from the shadows. She wielded darkness. She was filled with sadness. She was the perfect magnet for shades. And it had not slipped past her notice that the daylight was starting to fade. As a magical girl it was no less her duty to protect humanity from the influence of shades and she knew that they'd come for her and her family before the night was done. No matter what her wish might grant or how she could not risk leading those closest to her to harm as a result of her pursuit. It may very well not matter should she succeed but she knew that the possibility of failure was very real. Even as powerless before her ultimate fate as she was it behooved her to ensure that whatever fate befell her had as little backlash on her family as she could realistically prevent. "The hour grows late. I suspect the task of keeping shades in check falls upon you no less than I." Sophia looked out down the road, the first of a number of streets that led down to hotel room her family was staying at. A moment of inspiration suddenly struck her despite her expression remaining a blank canvas. "Perhaps we could exchange phone numbers in case you wish to speak further at a later date." She produced her phone and quickly thumbed her way to her contacts page. "That is, should you desire to speak with myself again." She didn't wish to pressure Fuyuko or her sister into offering anything up that she was not comfortable with relinquishing. With that said she awaited Fuyuko's answer, ready to accept whichever choice Fuyuko makes. [hr] [@LuckyBlackCat]