[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Carolina Reed[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3u59yAbBa1r4kfic.gif[/img] [I][color=cyan]Location: Elevator Skills: N/A[/color][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Carolina was feeling completely nauseous, and dizzy as well as she did her best to keep her head up a bit she used Storm to support herself a bit. She was really confused what was going on around her as she looked around, it took her a bit to register that she was now in the elevator now. [color=cyan]"I don't feel good right now.."[/color] Carolina said softly as she broke away from Storm and leaned forward, and started to vomit onto the ground of the elevator. All of the things she had eaten earlier in the evening, the pizza, the float and the soda as well, she whipped away the mess with her sleeve with a shaky hand. Carolina then started to lose her balance and stumbled onto the floor, her head started to ring badly and her vision blurred a lot as she tried to focus a bit, but she couldn't right now at all. [color=cyan]"Whats going on and happening?"[/color] Carolina really was confused right now as she tried to stand up again, but fell back down again letting out a slight sigh and tried to take in a few deep breaths. She really wanted to just lay down and rest. [hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][[/color] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/o0VVs736skEw/giphy.gif[/img] [I][color=696969]Location: Formal Sitting Room -> Patio Skills: N/A[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Bethany tried to get up again as she noticed both Allison and the new girl from earlier coming into the room, as she just glared at the two of them. Her entire body was still in a lot of pain, but she wanted to really hurt these two right now, only for her to be flung outside by Allison. As she groaned a bit landing on her back outside on the patio, she slowly started to roll back onto her feet and started to look around the yard. She was outside in the dark which usually was where she enjoyed being in and was also so much easier for her to use her ability as well. Bethany then spotted Jean and Cyclopes on the other end of the yard, having some trouble with Ayita by the looks of it which was a bit entertaining to watch the cat clawing up his leg. They seemed to be distracted for the moment right now, as she tried to use her powers, against the two of them. Only to see that they aren't working right now at all either which made her groan, maybe she should head back inside and try and hunt down Annie and Carolina again as well.