[@PaulHaynek] After some back and forth I got something together. Putting the Lightsaber into the torso irks me a bit because I don't particularly try to meta this thing. [s]Coughletsjustassumeitsahurtfullightparticlegeneratorabletoengulfherbodyparts[/s] Also had an option to go full Edge with the randomized fragments of memory, Table 1 98 had Angel of Slaughter :^). [hider][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GoKerjA.png[/img][/center] [color=007DC7]Name:[/color] Yuno [color=007DC7]Age (at death):[/color] 16 [color=007DC7]Initial Deployment:[/color] Limbo [color=007DC7]Position:[/color] Junk [color=007DC7]Class:[/color] Thanatos [color=007DC7]Subclass:[/color] Romanesque [color=007DC7]Armament Points:[/color]1 [color=007DC7]Mutation Points:[/color]0 [color=007DC7]Enhancement Points:[/color]3+1 [color=007DC7]Maximum Action Points:[/color] 6 + (5) = 11 [color=007DC7]Skills (Remember: [Timing/AP Cost/Range] Effect)[/color] [color=007DC7][b]{Junk}[/b][/color] Damaged Goods: [Auto/None/Self] During the Battle Phase, at the end of the Turn and when Treasure is damaged, you do not add Madness Points. [color=007DC7][b]{Thanatos}[/b][/color] Calamity: [Damage/2/Self] You may only use this Skill when you deal damage with a Melee Attack. Add the "Area Attack" property to this damage. You do not take damage from this "Area Attack." God of Death: [Auto/None/Self] When making an Attack Check with a Melee Attack Maneuver, you may add +1 to the die roll. [color=007DC7][b]{Romanesque}[/b][/color] Clockwork: [See Effect/None/Self] When you learn this skill, you may acquire an additional Tier 3 Enhancement. This is not limited by your Reinforcement Points, and you may regenerate it as normal. [color=007DC7]Parts (Remember: [Timing/AP Cost/Range] Effect)[/color] [b]HEAD[/b] [DAMAGED]*Brain - [Auto/0/Self] AP +2 [DAMAGED]*Eyes - [Auto/0/Self] AP +1 [DAMAGED]*Jaw - [Action/2/0] Unarmed Attack 1 [DAMAGED]Kung Fu - [Auto/0/Self] Maximum Action Points +1 [b]ARMS[/b] [DAMAGED]*Fist - [Action/2/0] Unarmed Attack 1 [DAMAGED]*Shoulder - [Action/4/Self] Move 1 [DAMAGED]*Forearm - [Check/1/0] Support 1 [b]TORSO[/b] [DAMAGED]*Spine - [Action/1/Self] One Maneuver you use on the next Count during this Turn has it's Cost reduced by 1 [DAMAGED]*Entrails - [Auto/0/Self] None [DAMAGED]*Entrails - [Auto/0/Self] None [DAMAGED]Reflexes - [Auto/0/Self] Maximum Action Points +1 Lightsaber - [Action/2/0] Melee Attack 1 + Dismember + Chain Attack 1 Cyborg - [Damage/0/Self] Defend 2 Steel Bones [Damage/1/Self] Defend 1 + Negate "Dismember" [b]LEGS[/b] [DAMAGED]*Bone - [Action/3/Self] Move 1 [DAMAGED]*Bone - [Action/3/Self] Move 1 [DAMAGED]*Foot - [Check/1/0] Hinder 1 [color=007DC7]Fragments Of Memory:[/color] [b]Death[/b] A life ended before your eyes. You don't remember how, but that life belonged to someone dearly important to you. Now, you've died, too, but you're still walking around. Could the same thing have happened to that person? [b]Assistant[/b] You didn't think you'll be the subject of an experiment. You wanted to help with the research...so the necromancer complied with your request in the worst possible way. In your body, there is a fragment of what research took place at that time. You are all too aware of the cruel treatment you suffered back then. [color=007DC7]Fetters:[/color] Broken Part(Treasure) - 0 Carries a Heart in a techno-thingamajig glass-container intended to preserve organs. Tied to her hip. The container has long been broken. Devoted to Rosemary - 1 You're in love with the target so much it hurts. You don't want her to hate you. You can't take your eyes off her. It's embarrassing... Self-Harming Action - At the beginning and end of combat, damage one of your own Parts. [i]"If she won't look at me, I don't need this body..."[/i] Who is freaklingly charming? You are freaklingly charming! [/hider]