[@Skyswimsky] [center][img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/019/698/d96.jpg[/img][/center] Let's just hope the enemy doesn't hit your Torso very much. ------ [@Skyswimsky] [@GreenGoat] Alright we're all set. Let me just set up the IC which might take time since I'm pretty busy at the moment. Also, this session will just be a standalone, a sort of test run to see if we (importantly me) got the mechanics down. This also means that Karma and Favor Points may not mean much in this run. I've also created an original mechanic for Nechronica: If you don't have much confidence in a run and want to improve your Dolls' chances in completing a Session/Campaign, I can provide you with Companions. The Companions are human survivors who, despite having different goals, will accompany the Dolls in their adventure. Unlike the Undead, these Companions have normal HP and custom weapons. They are immune to Madness but will provide party-wide or targeted Conversation Checks. They can also be targeted with Support Maneuvers and the like. However, the fight will still end in defeat if the Dolls are destroyed or go completely crazy even if the Companions are still in action. (Although, if the Dolls can't fight anymore but still has Parts, the Companions will keep fighting) Overall, the Companions will make the atmosphere less bleak... as long as their dice rolls are true. Again, this is just optional. So are you interested? P.S. I'm changing the Damage timing skills to one per turn because I saw some Damage timing skills that says they can be used multiple times per turn (Stacy's Protect and Baroque's Regeneration).