By the time Yugi and the group managed to track her down, Shadow retracted herself, and returned to his side, until someone jumped out of the bushes. It sounded like a kid, and the genie could have sworn that she heard that voice before. [i]”Big brother!”[/i] She remembered hearing, back during Yami’s first duel with Kaiba. Could this individual be the same child, who exposed himself to be Seto Kaiba’s little brother. Narrowing her red eyes at the individual, she used her power to see into his very soul, trying to detect his shadow, and perceive whether if he is being driven by his own desires. He was... By the time Yami shifted out into the open, Shadow’s form became solid, next to him, but it’s not like anyone noticed her, with the exception of Jaden and Yubel. [i]“Yami, that’s Seto Kaiba’s little brother. If I’m reading his shadow right, he has some unfinished business with you; something to do with avenging his brother”[/i]