Hola, So, this is going to be half interest check, and half plea from a very bored writer. Unfortunately, due to my horse deciding to throw me off, and myself hurtling over a jump without said ass of a horse beneath me - I have been placed on sick leave as I nurse my broken ribs. (4 actually, for anybody wondering.) I have never been any good at the whole taking it easy thing, so I'm looking to get a few fabulous stories together to entertain myself. Anything goes! Historical, Modern - someplace in between. The only thing I'm not okay with, is fantasy. I do have a soft spot for romance, and if you wanted to give something Tudor a go - I'd be stoked. Level wise, I hover in the advanced section, but I'm totally relaxed. I prefer multiple paragraph responses, or I will get pretty bored. Dialogue is usually a little shorter on the old word count. Gender? I'll play either. I don't double, and I will admit that I prefer to play female. So shoot me, I don't care. Well, I do a little.. Anyhoo, I'm really feeling a modern Professor and Student pairing or something Mafia related. Buuut, I'm open to any ideas that you would like to throw at me. Soo, feel free to send me a PM! H.