[h2]Othis[/h2] “Perhaps. A maiden’s heart holds many secrets, I don’t know if even all the research in the world would be able to piece them together. But, if you allow me, I’m not against digging deeper,” Othis answered Meltryllis tease with a snarky remark, delivered in her typical deadpan tone. She wasn’t going to let a girl that was likely several years younger than her get the upper hand in this situation. If the purple-haired Servant wished to play grown-up games, Othis would reply in kind. She didn’t look the least bit surprised by Holmes’ sudden appearance, nodding slightly as he complimented her deduction. After being in the detective’s company for long enough she felt a heightened sense of sympathy for Watson’s plight in their shared adventures. And, eventually, just like the good doctor, she grew used to the fact that Holmes could be anyone, anywhere, at any time. That said, she imagined that Nanako’s reaction would feel pretty nostalgic for the snooping Ruler for a whole other reason. “Please, don’t mind Holmes too much. If you know Dr. Watson’s books, you must be aware that he just can’t help himself when he notices something out of the ordinary. However, he never means ill towards anyone, even his own nemeses,” the white-haired Alchemist said as she took a seat and began to eat. Othis displayed a rare talent to look educated even as she made the tower of rogue desserts disappear at a steady pace. “That said, with Holmes here we can probably help you understand your case better, Miss Nanako. In fact, if you agree to a few terms, I could even teach you the basic theories behind spiritron hacking. This way you can support your Servant in the way she feels that would work the best. The only payment I ask for is the right to know everything about this investigation. And, while I can’t speak for him, I imagine that such compensation is enough for Holmes as well, right?” she said, alternating her gaze between Nanako and Holmes. [h2]Hinami Asakura[/h2] “I wouldn’t worry about him. I’ve seen that look in enough men before to know that he probably has never felt happiest in his whole life,” Hinami said as she observed the ‘boys’ leaving for their drinking party and leaving them behind. She could [i]see[/i] that Lord El Melloi was bursting with joy after being reunited with Iskandar, but even so, she couldn’t help but feel a little pity for him after he got roped into whatever is it that Gilgamesh had in mind. “That said, I hope he knows a good spell for hangovers. He’ll [i]probably[/i] need it...” “At any rate, what do you say of having a little time for ourselves while the boys have their fun? We can go back to business tomorrow,” Hinami asked as she gestured towards the corridor. “Of course, if you wish to stay and continue to fix the office, I could lend you a hand as well. It’s been a long while since I last did it, but I’m sure I still know how to stack books and mystic codes properly.” [h2]Mordred[/h2] “He— hey, keep it quiet, you dummy!” Mordred said. The blonde knight tried to disguise her own surprise at Seria’s surprised reaction, knocking the other girl over the head before saying, “Don’t do this kind of thing in public, wha— what if others misunderstand it?” Even though she never let go of Seria’s hand as she scolded the other girl. “Anyway, you don’t need to go out of your way. If there’s one thing I learned ever since the last time we’ve met, it’s th— that there’s no point in talking with Father if I can’t make her accept me for who I’m,” Mordred said, coming slightly back towards her usual self. “What kind of Knight of Treachery would I be if I bow down to her opinion, after all?” The blonde added one last bit of bravado as she thumped the hand that was holding Seria’s own against her chest, unwittingly yanking the other girl against herself. “Oops, sorry for that one, Master. I, erm… kinda forgot about this,” Mordred added. A blush took over her cheeks, as she [i]helped[/i] her Master get back to her feet after the sudden pull while relaxing her grip on Seria’s hand, allowing her to pull it back if she wished.