[hider=The Foundation Woman][center] [b][N/A | Unknown | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] It's unknown who the Foundation Woman is; she keeps herself hidden from even the highest ranking REAPERS. Nobody has seen her actual face or knows her actual name - they only hear a voice. What is known is that she's the head of all REAPER and nothing goes on without her knowing. It's unknown what her goals are, or if she answers to somebody else, but she is a ruthless and efficient leader that accepts nothing other than the best outcome. Despite that; she is a very affable woman that is polite for the leader of a major terrorist organization. [b]Power:[/B] [i]Unknown.[/i] [/center][/hider] [hider=Sylvia "Astrid Storm" Bertoose][center] [b][22 | Sylvia Lana Bertoose | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Johnny's younger sister and a defacto member of the Valos family who sought out to pursue a singing career. Taking the name Astrid Storm, the Valos family, out of kindness, gave her everything she needed to become a household name. A record deal, a fancy tour bus, and more! However, that did little to curb young Sylvia's immaturity or her ego. She's a relatively average height girl with a slim build - kind of chubby because of all the lazing around and food she eats. One of her most notable features is her head of hair that has been dyed a silver color - naturally black - and her nose-ring. The girl is quite immature and is prone to swearing and has a reputation for being quite... crass. She feels confined because she can't party or have adventures like she used to do. [b]Power:[/B] [i]Temperature Manipulation & Escalating Cryokinesis.[/i] Sylvia calls this power "Winter". It starts with Sylvia dropping the temperature to zero and she keeps going - all while snow and chilling winds come in. The temperature keeps going down as Sylvia's other power; Cyrokinesis gets more powerful the colder it gets. She becomes able to create, move, and shape ice into anything imaginable and do other tricks such as shooting freezing beams. [/center][/hider]