Alex had never officially been diagnosed, but his mom was almost certain he had social anxiety. He was virtually terrified of people his own age, he never really socialised outside of work, and he wasn't exactly forthcoming with details about himself. He spent all of his time at school alone, never even attempting to make friends. He knew his mom was worried but he just enjoyed his own company, with his music and the characters in his sketchbook. He would never have referred to himself as a brilliant artist, but he enjoyed drawing, and practised different styles. Animals, humans and anthropomorphic characters littered his sketchbook, his bedroom wall and his locker at school. It was rare to find him doing anything but working or doodling. He noted the warmth and friendliness of Delphine. It was quite surprising to him. People mostly just treat him as they would a piece of background furniture. They just kind of half-noticed he was there and never really interacted with him.