[h2]Lancelot[/h2] The knight's expression seemed particularly strained as he avoided remarking on... well, to call it anything but a lover's quarrel would be inaccurate, but he was loathe to speak of any others' romantic endeavours lest they bring up his. There was only so much that could be done to assuage Mordred's doubts about the king's reactions... but it would be remiss of him to not even attempt it. "No longer does the fate of a kingdom rest on her decision, and at least once since the fall we were summoned into this world." Not that he wanted to dwell on [i]that[/i] any more than necessary. The things that he had done as Berserker... [hr] [h2]Laetitia Arconiand[/h2] Now with permission granted to lead the way, the Master lead her Saber through the streets, ducking through a few allies as a shortcut, and making certain to shorten her stride a little. It had taken some getting used to, but just because a Servant [i]could[/i] keep up by running, it was best not to remind them of the difference in stature. Except when it was funny. There was a fine line between teasing and bullying, after all. The park in question wasn't the largest nor the most impressive of those in Fusang, which was probably for the better--it was one where you were more likely to get some space, with picnic tables arranged around a small lake, the smooth surface almost like glass and reflecting the willow around it... though she wondered how someone had coaxed them to grow at this latitude. Was there some sort of magical gardener in the city?