[center][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=f1c40f]Year 5: Update[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][b][color=f1c40f]Date:[/color][/b] July 15th, 2012[hr]Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab[hr][hr][b][color=f1c40f]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)[/center] [b]Temperature:[/b] 94F (34C) [b]Humidity:[/b] Fucking High (Around 98%) - Raining off and on all day [b]Wind Speed:[/b] 7 MPH (11 KPH) [b]Cloud Coverage:[/b] About 62% covered with thick dark clouds[hr] There was a look from Shears before Hunter left and he shook his head. "Even a dog will turn on ya, if ya can't trust then you ain't ever gonna survive," he muttered as they left. Turning he looked at the room and sighed as he moved over to the chair, running his hand over the back of it and thinking back to when he had been a young dumb kid. Mixed up in the Black Panthers during the riots. Hell's Kitchen was just that back then, it was hell. He had wandered into a barber shop to avoid the cops. The owner had no reason to trust him, much less cover for him when the cops came looking but he did anyways. Once they left the man looked at Shears and shook his head. "You gotta choice boy. Stop running and make something of yourself or run until you're dead," he said before offering Shears a job. Shears had thought the man was crazy but he took the job. And he never broke the mans trust in him. It was trust given freely and it had changed his life, it was probably why he was still alive now. Simply because people had trusted him even when there was no reason too. As Shears got to cleaning up the mess over in the conference room things seemed quiet. People were listening and not interrupting. Well save one, as the younger kid standing next to gunny piped in. "Hey boss on a timer here," he said before he shoved the last of his burger in his mouth and have a snaggle toothed grin. Gunny looked over to him and nodded. "Oh, sweet, okay. Um, you and you," he said pointing towards Thalia and Alexander. "Got something for you," he said as he rolled his cart over to Alexander first. "Oh you can call me Tesla," he said as he reached for one of the buckets. Grunting slightly as he picked up one of the buckets from the cart he let it drop hard on the ground. It was filled with a slimy purple liquid. "I gotta get a mold of your stumps. Better the mold the better the prosthetic fit," he said as he dusted off his hands. "Shove your leg in there and don't move, at all. For like, half an hour. Give or take. I'll check it." Looking at Thalia he set the other bucket down on a low stool by a chair and motioned towards her. "Yeah, if you could put your arm in there that would be great and yeah, hold still. Careful, it's kind of cold," he warned. "Don't worry, I'll get ya hooked up nice. Just need a good mold." Gunny watched as he stood there, turning his head slightly and eying Ash and noting he was still standing. "Have a seat soldier," he said, figuring the man was waiting on either permission or notice. Looking back at the group he continued. "Over the next week while we wait on your blood work to be done there will be a lot of getting to know each other. Both in the different groups that came in and with us. You will go through physical, skills, and mental testing. The Padre will be in to give emotional support and services. You will receive three squares a day and clothing will be laundered daily. Medical treatment is being given as needed and whether or not you decide to stay at the end of the week we will take care of your needs while you are within our walls. Miss Carmichael and Mr. Polawski, whatever the final decision is, we will provide you with a durable prosthetic and lessons in how to maintain them by the end of the week." It seemed that the group would be taken care even if they decided not to stay. Gunny looked down and flipped open his files. "We will treat you as fairly and respectfully as you treat us. Do remember you are currently our guests here, here by our leave. As I said, don't screw us over. We are open to new faces and helping you out but do not mistake our kindness as weakness. And whatever entitlement or anger you are harboring I suggest you leave it where it is," he said as he looked up. "While you are within quarantine you will be expected to clean up after yourselves, to clean this facility as if it was your own. This is your home for the week, you should treat it as such and take care of it. This is your world for the week," he said before pulling up a chair and taking a seat. "Those that came in with animals, they are in their own quarantine. They are being washed, fed, vaccinated, de-wormed if need be, and so forth. They will be returned to you at the end of quarantine," he added before closing his file and looking over towards the older woman. "I'm Claire but these folks call me Auntie," she said as she was handed a sheet of paper from Gunny. "Alright, as I call your name come on up and get your clothes and pack. These things are yours for the week. One set of clothing to wear today," she said as she rested a hand on the cart next to her. "In your pack you will find a toothbrush and comb. We will add an additional set of clothing for you to change into tomorrow as well as something to sleep in tonight. Extra socks and underwear as well. Tomorrow when you get up before breakfast, go shower and change," she said before picking up a mesh bag. "You will put your laundry in here and leave it by the door back there. It will be laundered and returned to you by the end of the day. We don't do dirty under my watch," she said with a strong southern accent. Not a Georgia one by any stretch of the imagination though, it didn't seem to be one that was common in the area. "Don't worry about her, she's just crazy," Tesla said with a chuckle, to which he was met with a scowl from the old woman. "I'm not crazy, I've just been in a very bad mood for forty years," she snapped before she started going down the list and calling out names. Each name that was read out meant you were to come to the table and get something to wear. Once you were done she dismissed you and called the next person up. First up. "Tatiana Newnan," she yelled out. Gunny sat there quietly. He sat straight, not leaning back in his seat, with his arms resting at his side and his hands in his lap. [color=ed1c24]*Alright, head up, assume your name is called, and get your stuff. Girls will be slipped a box of sanitary napkins into their packs as well without mention.[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=a187be]Tatiana Newnan[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]http://www.nerdly.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/fb-108-1.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] Psychology, Survival[/center][hr] Tatiana sat there, her knee bouncing as she fed Jamie and listened. Every so often taking a bite for herself. A week here? That wasn't bad, not in her book. She had been locked down in far worse for far longer. They had food, they had clothing, they were clean. Sure they didn't have their weapons but one didn't need weapons, everyone had a fist and a foot. There really wasn't anything to complain about in her mind. Sure she had questions and would like to be armed but all things considered she wasn't going to push it. She remembered something Miss Sally had told her when she was unsure of Newnan. [i]"Don't expect anything from anyone at first little one. Trust is earned and right now you haven't earned it. Be grateful for the things you have and show it, quiet anger will only push you away from your goal."[/i] The woman had been right, even though she was a scared little bird when she got to Newnan she wanted to be trusted with so much so quickly. It was a bad case of entitlement but Miss Sally had set her on the right path and by the time Newnan fell she was trusted as a therapist. She missed that woman, so much. Miss Sally had been like a grandmother, and was tough as nails. Life goals. She would get through this as well, like everything else. And eventually she would earn this new groups trust. There was an end goal. That didn't mean she wasn't nervous. The little bird looking over surprised and nervously as her name was called first. Gulping she pulled the spoon from her mouth and slowly slipped Jamie over to Jack for him to hold. She stood up slowly, shaking a bit as she picked at the spoon as she walked over to the woman known as Auntie. [color=a187be]"Da, is me,"[/color] she said in a shaky voice. She waited for the clothing to be handed over to her and her pack to be loaded. She was handed a second set as well, and informed it was for the baby. [color=a187be]"Oh da, I mean... Yes. Dank you, very much,"[/color] she said as her body trembled. Glancing over at Gunny and trying to give him a smile. [color=a187be]"Good place, dank you,"[/color] she added. Auntie also informed her to get together anything dirty of the babies so it could be washed. And that there were clean cloth diapers in the second pack and pins to hold it in place. Turning around Tatiana made her way back to her seat with Jack and Jamie. Yet she stopped and went over to Thalia first, she hadn't answered her at first, just looked at her oddly when she asked about being taught Ballet. Taking a deep breath, it looked like she was trying to muster up some courage. [color=a187be]"Da, yes, I teach you. Be nice to dance again,"[/color] she said in an nervous but kind voice before going back to her family finally. Sitting down she set the clothing and packs down before taking Jamie from him so he could go up. [color=a187be]"У него такие же глаза, как у Таны,"[/color] she said to her husband in a slightly sad voice. [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=598527]Wayne Maldonado[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/xT0xex7nwppPNCc2k0/source.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=598527]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) [b][color=598527]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center][hr] Wayne chuckled a bit as he swatted in front of his face. [color=598527]"Shit man you wish you had my good looks,"[/color] he laughed as he struck a pose or two. He nodded to Hank, the man was right about the gravy and the toilet paper. Turning he shoved another roll into his mouth and listened to what the three were saying. Every so often another swat in front of his face. Seemed their shit was being taken care of. They'd stay there, decide if they wanted to stay after a week, if they were allowed to, don't fuck them over, stay clean - that was new but he could handle a shower regularly. It drowned out things in his mind and in his vision. Wayne didn't give a fuck about tests coming up or being without a weapon. As far as he was concerned they were as safe as they had been in forever and the people guarding them had guns if shit broke out. Wayne might have been an ass but he wasn't stupid. He watched as Tatiana went up to get her things. [color=598527]"Thing looks like she would break if you blew on her too hard,"[/color] he said towards Hank. He was going to make another comment but then his name was called. [color=598527]"Here!"[/color] he called out like he had been in class, raising his hand for attendance. Climbing out of his recliner he stood up and walked over to the table. Grinning brightly, the man looked as happy as a tornado in a trailer park. [color=598527]"Fucking nice, thanks Ma'am. You too, damn nice place,"[/color] he said to Auntie and then to Gunny. Sticking his hand out to shake Gunny's. [i]Gunny reached forward and shook the man's hand. "What are you swatting at?" Gunny asked bluntly.[/i] [color=598527]"Flying blue buck-toothed unicorn that won't shut the fuck up,"[/color] Wayne answered as if he had just been asked what the weather was like. He shook Gunny's hand and then strolled back over towards his seat. Flopping down in the recliner and just smiling to himself as he dropped his shit in his lap before kicking back and getting comfortable. He could have lied about it but Wayne was a zero fucks given man right then.