[hider=THE MAN CALLLED NOVA] [CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=#695B25][b]NOVA[/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/26/Nova1adigranov.jpg[/img] [img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img][h3][sup][sub][color=#D5FAFF]R I C H A R D R I D E R [color=#000000]♦[/color] N O V A C O R P S [color=#000000]♦[/color] X A N D A R [color=#000000]♦[/color] G O T G / I N D E P E N D E N T[/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=#7E4234][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=#D5FAFF]"Aha! There are the bad guys with their hands in the cookie jar!"[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [color=#695B25][b]My vision for Nova is to still have Xandar and the Nova Corps; Xandar being heavily damaged and the Corps severely weakened. I would still have Rhomann Dey, mortally wounded, landing on Earth and giving Richard Rider his powers and his suit. Nova would not understand what his powers or his suit were capable of and would have to 'learn on the job'.[/b][/color] [COLOR=#7E4234][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [color=#695B25][b]I guess my main desire to play this character is that he's kind of like the galactic version of Spider-man. He gets these mysterious powers and doesn't know how to use them at first, but ultimately, he's a good person at heart and has the potential to make a real difference. My idea is for Nova to grow as a man and as a hero on this journey. He would have only had his powers for a short time and would still be relatively young. His goal is to be the best person he can be, not for himself, but for the good of the universe. He is slowly beginning to understand what it means to be a member of the Nova Corps.[/b][/color] [COLOR=#7E4234][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [color=#695B25][b]Richard Rider would have received his powers when he was 16 and would now be 17, having a years experience at being a member of the Nova Corps. He would not have faced many foes yet and he isn't considered a 'main stream' hero on Earth... yet[/b][/color] [COLOR=#7E4234][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [color=#695B25][b]Long had it been since Richard had been home for good. With the near destruction of Xandar and the Nova Corps, every soldier had been recalled to help with the rebuild of the Corps home world and to protect the planet from prying eyes. With many soldiers and civilians dying at the hands of the Zorr at the Battle for Xandar, the planet and the Corps were extremely vulnerable. Whilst not originally tasked with the defence of Xandar, Richard would help eventually return to help. But not before defeating Kraa, Zorr's brother. With either one of them still alive, The Nova Corps weren't safe. And in turn neither were the civilians of Xandar. It took Nova a long time to find Kraa after Zorr's death. He must have fled far away from Xandar. Richard still had no idea what he was doing, but the Xandarian Worldmind decided that it was Rhomann Dey's mission and since he had passed his powers and suit to Richard Rider, he would complete the mission. Using the powers bestowed upon him by Rhomann Dey and with the help of the Nova Force through the Xandarian Worldmind, he was able to track down Kraa and defeat him. After going back to Xandar, Nova requested leave to visit his home world, Earth, to explain to his family he'd been to 'distant' and everything that had been going on over the past year. Whilst on his hunt for Kraa, Nova had still been going to school in NYC and was still technically living with his parents. He had been using stargates, a modification to his suit that allowed him to sleep and be at home and school when needed, but also able to track down Kraa when he had time. The stargates couldn't be accessed from Earth, so Nova needed to fly into space and use his helmet interface to access them. He flew through the closest stargate to Xandar and arrived in the Milky Way. After an uneventful flight at FTL speed through the Milky Way, he found himself looking at a familiar planet, his home planet, Earth. Nothing warmed his heart than the feeling of being home. Until the sense of dread took over him. After all, he was about to [b]try[/b] and explain to his mother that last year a dying alien give him powers and a suit and now he was part of the Space Police Force! [/b][/color] [COLOR=#7E4234][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [color=#695B25][b]TBC[/b][/color] [/hider]