Dan nodded "I agree with Indy, Cloud temple sounds nice." Given his condition Dan was doing reletivly well in the air, it wasn't a fear of heights that concerned him, it was the falling part that freaked him out. "So, what'd ya take earlier, in that orange thing?" Zvi asked "Just my medicine. For my heart. Not doin so good." Dan said. "Oh...Well that seems stupid." Zvi said aloud. Dan took no offense to that, knowing he tended to speak his mind. "So what HAVE you been up too, Zvi?" "The normal." "What IS the normal." Dan asked "Just going around with my friends" He said as he patted the Drampa "I haven't gone into the town lately. Nothing fun ever happens there" Dan chuckled "Tell me about it. I think the closest to fun I've had was a lost Pokémon me and Indy dealt with." "What happened?" "Well me an Indy had to babysit some pokemon and...." Dan reminisced about the incident, while they drew closer to the mountain.