[h3]Alexander[/h3] It was starting to get cold. VERY cold. Cold enough to make Alexander shiver, even with his leather jacket and what he'd thought was ace tolerance for the temperature. He'd been soaked inside a cloud before, but that wasn't really comparable here. Still, there were things to do and timely manners to do them in, and a little chill wasn't allowed to stop them. Even if it wasn't that little. "Right," he said as he started moving down the road, "To the market square we go then. [i]Oh night's a-coming quickly, it will be here ere long... so grab your lines and hoist the sail, we must be moving on...[/i]" Sky only knew why the old shanty had popped into his head, but whispering it under his breath certainly helped keep him upbeat and moving forward. "[i]The sun is setting fast lads, the cold is closing in... but once we reach the port lads, we'll warm up with some sin...[/i]"