[centre][h1][color=darkorange]𝔖 𝔢 𝔦 𝔥 𝔡 𝔥 𝔞 𝔯 𝔞[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qDZGz20.png[/img] [hider=Seihdhara of the Red Hair | The Crimson Goddess | The Sanguine Protector | Bear Over Red Water] Goddess of [i]Martial Combat[/i] 5 Might and 8 Freepoints[/hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/o5T6T0Q.png[/img][/centre] [indent][sub]Time: The Day the Gods Came[/sub][/indent] In the forests of Galbar that Seihdhara's hair had created, bears walked. Seihdhara's hair had created all kinds of bears - brown bears, red bears, panda bears, black bears, sun bears, spectacled bears, cave bears, short-faced bears, and even red pandas - though those were not [i]really[/i] bears. Seihdhara's hair just thought that Seihdhara would find them cute. Some bears had managed to somehow find their way north over the eons, and species of polar bear had developed. Some were particularly big. But these bears did not just stalk the world on foot. During their hibernation, they could send their souls out of their bodies to scout. It was a single extraordinary or powerful ability that Seihdhara's hair had decided to confer on bears while Seihdhara still slept. Some bears did not even need to be in hibernation to manage this, they could send their souls walking at any time they pleased and this gave them a special edge when hunting, or when trying to avoid or escape a potential predator. From time to time when the bears were soulwalking, as this special ability was called, they would come across a location guarded by an odd creature. It was not a physical creature, but a soul-creature. They were not very common, but common enough for soulwalking bears to come across every now and again. These soul-creatures stayed in one place and one place only, and they were very suspicious of other creatures. They were territorial and jealously guarded their homes, but if they perceived that a creature passing through meant no harm then they let it be. When fires erupted, these soul-creatures protected their homes from the fires, and so in the aftermath of forest-fires there would be little green enclaves where the fire could never reach. If their homes were ever destroyed, these soul-creatures died. They came about seemingly at random when soul ash came together without a physical creature nigh, and they protected their homes and were eternal so long as their homes stood. And so they aggresively protected those homes against all threats. These soul-creatures were called Home-spirits by Seihdhara's hair. [indent][hider=Summary] Seihdhara's hair blesses bears with the soulwalking special ability. This enables hibernating bears to leave their bodies. Some bears can leave their bodies even when not hibernating, giving them a slight edge when hunting for food or escaping potential predators. Seihdhara's hair also creates soul-creatires called Home-spirits that come about when a lot of soul ash converges and creates a soul in a location that does not have a physical creature for the soul to occupy. These creatures are very protective of their homes. If the home is destroyed they too are destroyed, and so these creatures will attack or attempt to neutralise anything threatening their homes. --MIGHT & FP EXPENDITURE: ----Grant bears a single extraordinary or powerful ability; soulwalking. (-2 Freepoints; 4/5 MP towards Souls Portfolio) ----Create an extraordinary but unintelligent species; Home-spirits. (-2 Freepoints; 5/5 MP towards Souls Portfolio) ----Adopt Souls Portfolio. (-5 MP) 0 MP & 4 FP Remaining[/hider][/indent]