[quote=Kurisa] Kurisa prepared himself when a random Shinigami suddenly burst into the picture, talking non stop, this was just a little rude but regardless now gave him an idea "I'll tell you what...you want training? well you pass this little test and I'll train you...even give you a recommendation for a Squad if you aren't in one yet.." Kurisa then raised up his left hand as a small blue ball appeared on the back of his hand, this was Bakudo 8 and would send Taiki flying as soon as he made contact..."it seems you may have a new challenger Taiki..." [/quote] [quote=Star Platinum] Yoshimitsu blinked, his eyes widening on opening. "Oh you mean... look I mean, I see what you're going for, but I don't know, I was hoping that something of a test of endurance would allow me to speak to my zanpakuto," rambled the scrawny shinigami. "I mean I was hoping for a captain's guidance, but if you think this is for the best I won't argue, sir," he rambled on, somehow speaking his mind before the split second action finished, as if time was slowed down while he was speaking. "Okay, Taiki, I'll be your opponent!" he continued, still somehow before the kick connected. [/quote] Taiki was clever enough to expect that his first moves weren't going to get through a captain's guard, let alone one so direct. Seeing the blue orb, Taiki recognized the kido and was ready to react, bending his knee so his kick only passed by. Landing on his feet, Taiki listened to the change of plans. In a way he was relieved that the test just became a lot less difficult, but was disappointed that he couldn't prove himself directly to the captain. "Alright..." Taiki turned to his new sparring partner and took his stance again. "You know my name, so what's yours?"