[hider=My work in progress] Name: Hantosamu Reiko (Reiko Huntson) Age: Looks to be about 20-25 Gender: "Male! It doesn't matter what my name says." Personality: "This world is already beyond saving, what trivial good you do is like a single drop of water in a scorching barren desert. It'll save an ant, maybe a lizard. Make it's day, give it another chance even. But the desert doesn't change, the world boils away what good exists eventually." He has severe difficulty truly trusting anyone, any upward curvature of his thin lips is merely him donning a mask so that he doesn't need to deal with people anymore than he needed to. But Reiko is also an extremely righteous individual who could not stand by while good Humams suffered at the hands of evil, it even goes as far as to apply to wildlife. But overtime as he saw more of the world, he started to resent people and nature for their lack of Humanity - culminating in a deep seated hatred for many lifeforms. A Rage that seethes beneath his skin, biding for the right time unleash itself upon the world. The result is a "Knight in sour armour" view of the world. He does good things because it is right, but he doesn't think it makes the world a better place by any grand margin. To Reiko Huntson: If the world truly wanted to be better, it ought to just go up in flames.i Biography: Reiko Huntson was born with the unfortunate circumstance of having foreigner parents who decided to move to japan permanently despite only just having studied the language, the result is his inappropriately effeminate name which made his childhood a nightmare of merciless teasing. Children are cruel creatures but also honest to their true nature, it was only inevitable that Reiko quickly lost his trust in all people from a very young age. *Reiko is usually a name for a girl, no one names their son that.* But despite this, or maybe because of it, Reiko grew to to be a righteous individual who saw it as his duty to protect those who were bullied, those who did not deserve such ill treatment like he did. Good humans were too rare to neglect afterall simply because they were so hard to find. He pursued the study of Medical sciences as his forte and made himself strong enough to carry several people at once, with the goal of becoming a paramedic who would guide the worthy back to life and neglect those evil enough to deserve their death. During his studies he met a young pharmacist, a truly kind and good woman who brightened up his life. They were to graduate together and unwittingly had become in a relationship with each other by the last semester of university. Deeply in l0ve with each other, they celebrated the day they met with a romantic night spent in the woods far away from the city - under the cover of the starlit heavens. It was then in the middle of the night their campsite was attacked by something, it was an animal of sorts the size of a bear or a mountain lion, he fought it off with all his might - eventually managing to throw it off the cliffside. But it's claws had punctured his lungs in the struggle... As Reiko laid on his side, suffocating and bleeding, his blurry eyes caught sight of his girlfriend crawling out of her tent, he called to her, but instead of tending to his wounds - she ran away screaming. The last words out of his mouth were: You. Bitch. Regrets: Not destroying the world. People were cruel, nature was even more so. He wonders what insanity drove him to even bother learning how to save lives. Doctors kill bacteria to save Humans from infection, and he should have long known that this world is infected with evil and cowardice. Adventurer Info This is where all of your phone’s info goes. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fialsAD6kuJBLKS6WCCnVOnHV4Usb7ydvAwcYKR3ZKQ/edit?usp=sharing Level: 1 Health: Null/Null Mana: Null/Null (For these, I will give a calculation based on your stats and level and I want to make it simple so give me a minute on the math, please) Stats: (your basic skills without modifications. The average human averages 7 in stats. Which means 42 points and you all already have 60, in so proud) Strength: Attack power and lifting strength and MP Constitution: Basic Defense and Health Agility: Evasion Speed: Point A to Point B movement Intellect: The power of your magic and MP Discipline Magic Defense and your HP Talents:Here you will list all of the skills, abilities and techniques you have. I will have you name your techniques as this is a game and there is no reason for you to be able to cast Mega Blizzard as an apprentice ice mage. Know what I mean? Just keep all things together. If a technique belongs to a skills, list it under that skill. Same for abilities (Passive techniques). Inventory: all things you have acquired or have in you Your Smart phone does not need to be here. [[OOC: I just realized what a dark mindset my character has. @_@ I was aiming for more of a stoic, solemn type but I think I made a possible Serial Killer instead by accident.]] [/hider]