[img]https://i.imgur.com/MyQeoTh.png[/img] Ia, she blinked.[color=bc8dbf]"I should leave, unfortunately this girl form is allot more powerful as a fairy. I will be spending allot more time at Alfea as this Ia girl."[/color] Ia, she replied. Riven chuckled. " I take it that girl form made your junk in the crotch area disappear. How does it feel wearing a vagina and her breasts." Riven, said. Ia, she pulled her bangs from over her eyes. [color=bc8dbf]"A few times at first it's weird but after a while I got use to it. The skirts, her underwear, other stuff is like normal to this Ia girl, mainly because I feel completely cut off from all masculine pride as her, replaced by feminine pride. As long as I'm not stuck as her I have no problem transforming into her again."[/color] Ia, responded. "What about sexuality." Riven, responded. Ia, she frowned at Riven. [color=bc8dbf]"Ia is a lesbian and Zion is a straight man."[/color] Ia, responded seriously. Ia turned around walked towards Alfea. Suddenly Ia, had an idea. Came from beyond the fourth wall Zion IA were, should be able to create the ideal girlfriend through creationism, manipulate this reality somehow despite not having complete power to alter reality. Still within the Specialist eyesight Ia, she pointed her palm in the air as if touching something invisible. Suddenly the air made ripple effects like how a rock enter the water as small waves rush through water. Ia, looked surprised it actually worked. Ia, made another ripple effect then placed her torso upwards into the ripple before she vanished completely inside it. The Specialist would attempt to cause the exact ripple IA performed, unable. Momments later the ripple in the air appeared again then Ia stepped out glowing radiant white all around her while smiling. Looking curious Sky, he came over. "What happened? You stepped through what ever that is then seconds later you came back smiling glowing to." Sky, asked. Ia, blinked. " I been around holiness for seven years in there, I laid eyes on beauty purification, it was like gazing at enlightenment times infinity over and over again a conversion up in there for starters." Ia, responed. Where: Red Fountain outside. With: The specialist and Cinder OCC: Sorry for the short story. Can't rush imagination