[hider=Trevor's Log] Moves: - Scratch - Growl -??? Health: Full Health Status: None Ability: Blaze (increases fire-type moves when severely damaged) Quest: To make the first guild in this pokemon-only, yet guildess world. [/hider] [hr] All of Trevor's efforts seemed to be wasted, and everyone was thinking about going towards the light, which was nice. Since he didn't have to say much to convince them, Trevor had a bit of time to think. [color=ed1c24][i]Wait... maybe the fire's just a bit too weak to use... oh no, does that mean I'll have to eat coals and dried twigs?[/i][/color] Trevor thought as he headed towards the campfire... it... really didn't look tasty, but he had to feed the flames, somehow, right? Trevor looked around for any twigs that might not have been turned into ashes, and after gathering what he could, he... closed his eyes, tried his best to think of anything else that was tasty, and tried to eat the dried twigs, all the while trying to make sure as little of it as possible touches his tongue. Trevor... really hoped that, one, this would work, and two, that he wouldn't have to do it constantly. Once that episode was over, he tried to breathe his flames, again, and he started heading out... he then answered Jeri's question with [color=ed1c24]"I'm not sure I can do that, yet... if I could, I would have done that against the bidoof,"[/color] everyone else seemed to be stuck at a puddle, and Trevor seemed to be a bit confused as to why they'd see that as such an obstacle, as he could see a couple easy ways to get past it... one of which was just swimming, which would probably be fine, even for Trevor, though, it might snuff out his pilot light, unfortunately... and the other... was to just go around. That puddle, big as it was, didn't stretch on forever, thus, simply walking around it would probably work. Considering the fact that Trevor probably wouldn't be able to find too many more dried twigs for a while, he tried the latter option, heading off the path, to the left until he could go around the stagnant water.