David got up from his seat as he heard his name being called. Walking over to the counter, he grabbed his plate of food and headed back to his seat where he unwrapped his cutlery and started eating. As he ate David let his gaze wander around the room and noticed a dark haired woman with glasses standing in the line, who looked quite nervous for some reason, and a woman with dirty blonde hair and what seemed to be electricity arching between her fingers heading towards the entrance, her phone in hand. He guessed she had electrokinesis abilities of some kind. Normal people didn't just generate their own electricity after all. And from the way she left it seemed like she was late for something. Of course most people, powered or not, were these days. It was like an epidemic honestly. Everyone always rushing from place to place, never really taking the time to enjoy life. It was sad, really. Finishing his food, David got up and walked over to the trash bin where he threw his plate away before heading towards the entrance. After a meal like that, he felt that a relaxing stroll across the beach was just what he needed right now. Just as he was about to leave however, a news report flashed across one of the flat screen TVs mounted on the wall. It showed a department store nearby engulfed in flames, which the local fire department were attempting to put out. From where the camera man was standing, he could see several firefighters rushing into the burning building to rescue those who were still inside. From the on scene newscasters commentary it seemed that they had managed to grab everyone but a woman and her child who were trapped in the very back of the store. Turning away from the screen as more firefighters went back into the building to try save them, David looked around at those in the restaurant. "If anyone's got powers, now's the time to use them." He remarked, nodding towards the TV before nonchalantly exiting the building. Once outside David stopped time and jogged back to his apartment, which unsurprisingly took no time at all given the fact it didn't technically exist when stopped, where he quickly changed into his costume. After stuffing a black and white bandanna in his pocket to help protect against the smoke and other noxious fumes given off by the fire, David exited his apartment building and headed towards the scene of the emergency, only unfreezing time once he arrived at the outskirts of the cordon the police had set up to keep curious and horrified onlookers from getting any closer to the devastation.