[@SimpleWriter] Hmmm. The former is too much of a convenience from an RP standpoint, so I'd prefer the latter if you really want her to have some wealth to back her up. Still curious on what are these "companies" she'll supposedly inherit. For the suit, family could have companies that focus on hero-based tech, so she'd have access to such things or at least have parents that might think along the lines of [i]"Man, our daughter's got it hard. Society is rejecting her and shit. Maybe we could make her a suit that'll help her become a hero or at least someone who can co-exist with others without killing them."[/i] Not saying that you would powerplay, just don't want it to be a possibility. Its kinda like a guy asking for superman-level strength but promises to only use a portion of it and not go full superman. Even if I could trust the guy, I'd prefer to avoid such a scenario.