Zane was currently internally cursing in every language he knew. Considering his master was [s]a slavedriver[/s] strict when it came to that, he had a large repetoire to pick from. Ancient Egyptian in particular had many, [i]many,[/i] curses as any [s]tomb robber[/s] archaeologist could tell you. Seriously, what sick bastard would come up with a curse to skin a person while forcing them to be awake for the entire process? What were we talking about? Oh right, this situation. Entirely Will's fault, the guy is so fun... especially when watching him get shot down. It's hilarious, especially when he leads with "Hey babe, you want to see my magic sword?". Priceless. Turning back to Nulong, Zane would be the first to admit she was definitely attractive. Especially when she was potentially going to (attempt) to kill him. What can he say, he's attracted to violent vixens. Tis a shame Freya prefers lilies. Giving his infuriating bastard smirk (coined by one Freya Royle), he replied in the only way he knew how. Shameless flirting. [color=green]"My apologies, fairest maiden of the east, but the little flower seems to wilt in the presence of many. It would be a crime to the world to let such beauty never reach maturity so I took matters into my own hands. {Might this humble peasent repay the Maiden of the Winds with dinner?}"[/color] The last phrase was spoken in passable Chinese.