Cassius made note of Monika's shivering and the spaciness on her face. Shock, maybe? His eyes skim over her to make sure there's not some sort of bloody spot on her as well - it'd be just his luck having to try to escort [i]two[/i] downed civilians back to the chapel. He has the fleeting thought to leave them, to go back to Maren by his damned self- [i]"I- I'm sorry. Where are we taking him to rest? And who are you?"[/i] Cassius doesn't answer immediately. Did he not [i]just[/i] answer that question? He can't keep the scowl off his face as he simply picks Skurr up more like a sack of potatoes than a human being - though he does take care with his head. "The chapel is providing those in need with food, blankets, water.. Somewhere calm to settle the nerves after last night." Cassius huffs softly. "If you want to follow me, fine - if not, then don't. I won't force you." Cassius turns and walks in the direction of the chapel. He shouldn't have even left so far from Maren in the first place. [hr][hr][@Strange Rodent]; Monika (spoken to) [@Haeo]; Skurr (interacted with)