Seamus was now focused on bringing heavy weapons into the field. He covered all ranges for his role, so the Fomorian NC was far from defenseless. Readying his cannon, Seamus radioed to his group with, "Preparing the primary weapon!" The long range particle cannon was aimed at threats to the group, however, he was conscious not to disable the missile cruiser for the boarding. He was also conscious not to destroy the hostages, Terra's parents. While vehicles were easy pickings in comparison to NC's, numbers should be minded. Seamus however, deemed enemy NCs to be a bigger threat. As far as he knew, the NCs were more heavily armed than the vehicles. Exploiting his mech's versatility, the lad was ready to attack enemy NCs that were in the range of his particle cannon. However, enemy ships that were a direct threat or hindrance to the the boarding crew would also be on Seamus' radar. He kept an eye out, cannon ready. "On overwatch!" At long ranges, he felt safer as Fomorian was a bit of a glass cannon. Just because he could dish out damage doesn't mean he can take it as much in return.