Ridahne listened, nodding thoughtfully but then she suddenly screwed up her face like she'd bitten into a lemon and stared at Darin, bewildered. "He...died? Like dropped dead right there in front of you? Okay okay...did he...was...I mean was there any kind of struggle or suffering or like did he seem to know? Did he have time to know? I...I've never heard of such a thing in my entire life." She rested her forehead on her fingertips, still trying to process that. She was no stranger to death and had seen many people die before and for many reasons, including ailments. It was always one of two things: a slow, agonizing march to the end, or a quick, violent halt. The latter was often less horrible. But she'd never heard of someone carrying on a conversation and just...keeling over like that, dead all of a sudden. She nodded. "Yes, the Sol. He came. I did not see him, I was...away. And guests of such high honor generally are not made to suffer the presence of the likes of...well, me. This was before my execution sentence and eventual exile, but even though I was...involved...in the upper courts, I was not meant to be paraded around. So I was not. Ajoran though, he is a Taja. It is a position of great honor, and they are elite men who protect the Sol and serve them. Taja means 'arm'. But he was there and told me about their meeting. He said nothing of the seed--back then nobody knew there was one. The first the Sol heard of the Seed was from me. I asked him to describe the Gardener and he had difficulty doing so. Isn't that interesting? He never mentioned if he was man or elf or siren. I wonder...what if he is none of them? What if he is not a Child of Astra at all? Or...either that or he is but he is not one of the Three. Odd. Did you ever find out what he said to the prettiest girl and the best hunter?"