Initially, Meesei had worried that this test would be little more than an anger-inspired duel on the part of Neesa, and would appropriately demonstrate the breadth of Rossarm's ability. However, she had to admit that she could see what Neesa was intending with each new attack. Testing his raw defenses, his agility and speed of casting, and his decision making when faced with a potentially overwhelming frontal attack. Meesei saw no signs of fatigue in the vampire, who was simply smiling as she moved from one spell to the next. From Meesei's perspective, Neesa's next spell was particularly interesting. She conjured a sword, but it was no Daedric blade. Rather than a usual bound blade, what emerged from the dark violet portal was an actual, physical blade. It was not taken from Oblivion, but rather seemed like it had been taken from some other place in Tamriel, if that were possible. It was a rapier made from material that was mostly black, likely ebony, and was engraved intricately in gold, though the designs were difficult to make out from a distance. It was unnecessarily ornate and likely fantastically expensive, especially if it was enchanted. A slight, red aura emanated from Hal-Neesa as she suddenly began to levitate just a few feet off of the ground, and as she dropped her ward, she dashed to the side through the air with impressive speed and control. She moved with grace and ease, and seemed able to change her momentum almost in an instant. Her rapier was kept always with its point towards Rossarm, and with her off-hand, she formed more of the dark crystals that followed around her. She did not yet launch any of the crystals, and instead dashed forward through the air for a thrust with her blade. [hr] Julan slowly nodded back to Rhazii. "Um, yeah. Kind of. They're tattoos, like my mother's. My grandfather wanted me to complete a rite to join the village. That also meant getting the marks." For the moment, Julan saw Narsi as an easy way to get the focus of the conversation off of himself, so he ignored her rudeness for now. "I didn't know uncle Lorag had a daughter. But I guess it could be fun to train with someone new." The specifics of Julan's answer did not matter to Lorag, so as long as he was willing. Lorag grunted, and continued to focus on Narsi. "Underestimate him all you want, but the boy's still better trained than you. If I'm remembering right what Kaleeth said about her tattoos, they're meant for warriors, and they've gotta be earned. Seems like the boy earned 'em. So what you're goin' to do is spar with Julan here, and he can show you how much you've got left to learn. We'll head inside and use one of those training rooms, since the one out here is taken."