[center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/192600783/large.png[/img] [color=8493ca][h1] Persia Hayashida [/h1][/color] [/center] Persia whipped her head around with a rather wide smile at the sound of Seiko asking what was going on, with Seiko appearing that relieved her the trouble of finding him. [color=8493ca]"Ko-ko kun!"[/color] she said gleefully as she greeted the trap, that was when she noticed a pair of hands make contact with her hips in which she trailed with her eyes back to the owner. Her smile was still sincere but the aura she was giving off was anything but, not only did he have his hands on her hips but he called her babe! [i][color=8493ca]Just stick with the program.[/color][/i] The brunette grabbed Lysanders hands and removed them from her hips, but not without tracing her mark on his outer left hand. As Persia got up off the boy she gave him another sweet smile, [color=8493ca]"Watch where you put your hands or ill see to it they got lost in the dimensional gap, kay?"[/color] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/74/2b/f6/742bf692dee0c88deb692e17e2ed46ab--manga-boy-manga-anime.jpg[/img] [color=0054a6][h1]Amane Kishimoto[/h1][/color][/center] Amane sat quietly on his phone catching up on the news, a certain story that he had been reading happened to catch his eye following as a family of 4 were found dead in there home. Once people took notice of the kids absence from school and the parents from the work they paid a visit to their home and found their bodies in their home, the thing was all that was left of their bodies were empty husks, devoid of any fluids. Amane looked up from his phone to notice a small runt waving over at him, it threw the guy off that he was asking if he needed any help, let alone waving at him in the first place. [color=0054a6]"I don't need your help, if you want to do your part make sure to clean after yourself"[/color] it was clear the guy did not want any business with the little runt, in fact he prayed that he would leave or else he'd end up just getting in the way of things. [@Zeroth][@Silver Carrot][@Experiment 249][@Lucius Cypher]