Hello there. :) This is my first post, and this is probably the first role playing forum I've found in years that seems to be actively... active. I'm a text based role player. I started up back in my sophomore year in high school (2002). I played almost non stop up until around 2006/2007 maybe, when I burned out. I was in college, working, stressed, the usual. Then I got married, moved to Australia from California and became a permanent resident, and life generally got the better of me, and my love of rpgs lay forgotten for about a decade. It's only recently that I've had an interest in getting back into it, mostly because I've gone back to playing World of Warcraft. (Those who know WoW know that there is a strong element of role play involved on many of the servers.) I played mostly in generalized fantasy and generalized sci-fi, as well as Cherryh based sci-fi. There was a little dabbling in Tolkien and Potter fan based role play too, and a lot of crossover fanfiction written as well. Nowadays though I'm into World of Warcraft, specifically the Lore and such surrounding the Illidari. My main at the moment is a Demon Hunter, and I've been working towards creating a profile for her to adapt her into text based role play. My favorite type of role play is out of context, meaning I enjoy putting my characters into places and situations that are outside their norm, thus forcing them to explore, learn and adapt to their new surroundings. It's also how I explain my character from the WoW universe has just appeared in someone else's lol. (It's the portal shards. Those things are dodgy af.) In real life, I keep myself busy with gardening, drawing, reading, cooking/baking, and crafting. Also writing, as I am an aspiring author. Although I used to be prolific with my role play, able to keep dozens of story lines straight in my head for as many characters at the same time, nowadays I am lucky if I am able to concentrate on one story and one character at a time. I am hoping that maybe I can get myself back into the creative fold again, to see if that helps to break the dam that has been blocking my creative outlet for so long. So... pleased to meet you. :)