[@yoyohayli] [@Kidd] [color=662d91][h1] [center]Hayato Nijimura [/center] [/h1][/color] The two men were watching what was going, The young man was transfixed by the trail of blood and the noises coming out of the bathroom. When the man came out still looking worse then perhaps when he came in, The young man stood up still watching him stumble towards his booth. "Do you need help?" He asked in perfect English moving towards him, "Do you need medical assistants or something? He spoke once again standing only a few feet away form him. The older man was watching all of this firstly looking over at the bartender, "Arigatō" (Thanks). He said before looking over towards the younger man. "Sore wa kare ga suneta ka uta reta yō ni miemasu ka?" (Does it look like he was shanked or shot?) He asked the younger man, Taking a sip form the whiskey glass. The young man turned to face the older man to speak to him, "Tsukamatte iru" (Hold on) The young man said moving a bit closer towards him. "Do you mind if i check out the wound?" He asked the Irish man. The older man was watching all of this happening, This mind wondering and observing the bloodied man. He wondered if the bloodied man was attacked by some sort of supernatural entity the most common answer would be a werewolf but he was not sure of that.