[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Rila[/color][/h1] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/38200000/Nymeria-Sand-game-of-thrones-38208455-500-200.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Rila was about to sigh in relief when the guards started to believe their little cover story. [color=yellow]"We will be sure to keep an eye out on them sir."[/color] Rila said towards the guard who had stopped them, and then they were off on their merry way that was until the one that looked like he wanted to attack them turned around and made his way over towards Yumiko. To ask if he had seen them before, Rila wasn't sure who he was or why he had thought about her. She took a moment to quickly think of something as she looked over towards the guards as they continued to move a bit further away. [color=yellow]"Hey, we are really on a time crunch we don't want to keep our friends waiting."[/color] Rila said towards the guard, he seemed to be really on edge as she decided to think a little bit and dug into her pocket and pulled out a small handful of coins. [color=yellow]"It's really important to us, especially our two friends over there."[/color] Rila said as she gestured towards Jia Li and Ryuu as well. [color=yellow]"They are renewing their vows and stuff over at our friend's place, if you could just let us continue on our merry way."[/color] Rila said smiling slightly.