[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190202/a7dc8d6c55746f87ec44852f97c97ef0.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/S63Ry7L/bobbileigh-1.png[/img] [color=#BA68A6][b]Location:[/b] Outside of the Mansion[/color][/center][hr][hr] Bobbi watched the younger girl approach the slightly older girl. There was a bit of an altercation. Obviously, the younger of the two was possessed by Memory Zero guy. Something something, blah blah, you suck and I am cooler and fuck the system, blah blah... And all of a sudden people were flung through the broken window. Bobbi whistled in appreciation. [color=BA68A6]"Tell me your powers are nothing again,"[/color] she teased with her lopsided grin. She soon followed Allison out of the window into utterly new chaos. Girl with vines, power beams blasting, and a freaking panther thing. She had half a mind to just hop back on her bike and get out of this stupid, crazy shit. But then she saw Wolverine and heard the young girl, called Sara though Bobbi did not know it, ask for help. She was so distressed. It triggered something in her gut. No, she did not know the girl, nor did she understand what was causing her distress. Bobbi just knew that with the stress, the confusion, and the chaos of it all, she was about to hit the next thing that approached Sara or Allison. Or perhaps poor Neil would be the person to receive the smashing end of her hammer. This was all much too intense for her to understand, coming from absolutely no knowledge of these people or their previous battles. She was running on pure instinct and adrenaline now.