[@knifeman][@Letmehaveone2][@Shadow Dragon] John felt the foot press down on his back as if it was supposed to hurt. "I'm John. I'm a traveling merchant" he lied. These people obviously didn't know who he was...and that gave him an advantage. He also noted how young everyone else here was. The misconception that older people were, while more experienced, lacking energy was a popular one. A false one also, and John was already sick of being on the ground. When the samurai...or rather he looked like one, drew his swords and stated his intentions, John had just the adrenaline shot he needed. John's entire body shot up suddenly from under the scythe wielder's foot with insane power; more force than one would expect John would be capable of, picking up the axe he dropped when he fell and swinging horizontal at the swordsman with one arm, then drawing his knife with the other and slashing at his throat.