Rebecca’s bones clicked as she walked up the stairs of Castle Bloodrose. Helena really needed to get to work on that potion- she wanted to feel her flesh again. Andri floated up beside her, his brow starting to furrow. “It sounds like there’s quite a commotion over by the front gate. We should head over there, try to intercept Alexina when things start to die down.” “Andri, you’ve been around here long enough to know that things never die down around here. I mean, just look at us,” the lich said with an undeserved chuckle at her own awful joke. “Be that as it may, you’re probably right. The sooner we know what Alexina intends to do, the sooner we can start making plans of our own.” With that, Rebecca headed towards the gate, with Andri in tow. The scene at the castle gate wasn’t pure chaos, but it was as close as the pair were likely to see in their afterlives. Rebecca’s eyes first shot to a strange girl surrounded by molten, but cooling, rock. Another pyromancer, one who was strong enough to melt rock? Rebecca was definitely intrigued. Speaking of pyromancers, Taran was there too, covered in drying blood with a disturbed look on his face, obviously just healed by Usoa. Rebecca didn’t envy him a bit for going through that particular process- the tentacled witch unnerved her, though she supposed the reverse might well be true, also. Saen was there as well, and- aha! There was Alexina, presiding over the whole thrice-damned fiasco. Rebecca strode towards her, while still keeping a respectful distance. As she did so, she uttered an incantation, causing Andri to become visible to those whose senses weren’t as finely attuned to spirits as hers. “Greetings, Alexina. I take it you recall Andri, from the old days. We came up here to talk to you, but it seem you have troubles of your own right now. What can we do to be of assistance?”