It took a few hours but everyone who was everyone all gathered together for the great fairy hu.....contracting. La’Tavia and her motley crew of dummy mages we’re heading to the forest to do some adventuring. Little did she know the new people wh would join. One thick Fine Lil thing names Rhea joined up. The team was set and the adventure was ready. All that was left was to get in. Standing in front of the entrance, the old trees were all waiting for La’Tavia to pull her same antics. That is walk in, magic blazing and force her way through. Not this time though. No, she learned her lesson.[color=ed1c24]”Listen here you reject Trees!! Let us in cause we have stuff to do!!”[/color] [@Spike][@Rune_Alchemist][@QueenNugget][@TheHangeMan]