[@Cio] [color=silver]"You wanna stay on the sidewalk and wait for his buddies to show up?"[/color] Beck demanded as she struggled. [color=silver]"We both need to get the fuck out of here. Even if he was a liar he might have some liar slayer friends waiting around for him."[/color] As she walked past the unconscious slayer Beck kicked his gun into to shadows of an adjacent alleyway. She mentally kicked herself for not taking it beforehand, but now her hands were a little full. For just a brief moment Beck smiled to herself, though; no mortal would have [i]this[/i] much fight after getting shot. They got to the end of the block and rounded a corner, arriving at the lot where the van was parked. Beck leaned in to unlock the passenger door and kicked it open with the toe of her boot, setting Vanessa on the [url=http://www.brick-yard.co.uk/forum/uploads/10338/12th_march_T4_Inside.jpg]rear-facing seat[/url] to retrieve the med kit under the next row of seats. [color=silver]"If he was really HG, those were silver bullets. Go ahead and tell me to fuck off again but you can't fix that alone."[/color] Beck said simply, ripping a long strip of heavy athletic tape. She wrapped it tightly below her knee to prevent further blood loss. At least she seemed to have calmed down some, even if that was just blood loss. [color=silver]"You'll thank me later. Or you won't and you'll go do whatever you want. I don't care, you're hurt and I'm helping you. Got it?"[/color] She raised her head to look Vanessa in the eyes but felt cool metal against her occipital and she froze. Behind her stood the slayer, somehow conscious after getting the beating of his life, pressing his gun to the back of Beck's head. A long tear had formed on his forehead from where the gun hit, leaking a red river of blood down his nose and off his chin. He held his side with his nondominant hand, breath labored and ragged. He locked eyes with Vanessa but said nothing, perhaps unable to do anything but stare daggers at his target.