[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7oQVf7m.png[/img][/center] Luis drifted idly though the sky, having been left alone again as his creator again after she had once again been distracted by another god. The first time this happened was when she and Ashalla wandered off to look at some reef somewhere, and now, after she had come to find him roaming the skies above the ocean west of the Malstorm, she had done it again when she had spotted the mirrored version of the home built on Li’s Island. The great floating whale did not mind this too much but he was glad to see her again when the glowing parrot flew up to meet him. [color=RoyalBlue]”Hello Azura, you’re look like you are feeling a lot better.”[/color] he greeted her, noting the wonder a bath and rest had done for her appearance. [color=lightblue]”I am. I feel re-invigorated and ready to get back to work.”[/color] she responded as she came to a stop before him, her mood having also picked up like her appearance. [color=lightblue]”Would you like to come with me?”[/color] she then asked. [color=RoyalBlue]”Yes”[/color] Luis responded slowly. Even though the answer seemed to him like a forgone conclusion his massive sluggish mind always took its time to think things through. This made him quite the contrast to his impulsive creator and resulted in their conversations occur in bursts, with Luis taking his time to respond while Azura was right on his tail ever time he finished speaking. [color=lightblue]”What work is there to be done?”[/color] [color=lightblue]”Now that I have my strength back I have one last vital piece of my soul preservation plan left to create.”[/color] She explained as they turned and began to fly north [color=lightblue]”You remember what I told you about Katharsos and the fate of the dead?”[/color] [color=RoyalBlue]”Yes. The souls dead go to his fires to burn but you have found a way to make them not go away and have a place to store them at the north pole.”[/color] he answered once his mind had dredged up the memory. He had so few, and yet his mind was already prepared for the day when he would have millions. [color=lightblue]”Exactly. But the problem is that, although I have somewhere i can put the saved souls, I can’t be everywhere to save everyone when they die, so I need others who can go find those about to meet their end so they can save them in my stead. Preventing either their first death if we are lucky, or their last if we are not. I just need to work out exactly what to make to fulfill that task. They need to be friendly, and fast and strong and so many other things to perform their duty correctly. Not scaring mortals they come to save is also important… hmmm”[/color] she said, before going quiet, presumably to contemplate the problem. Luis thought about this for quite a while as well and then asked [color=RoyalBlue]”Could I do that for you?”[/color] [color=lightblue]”Hmmm?”[/color] she responded, broken out of her musings, [color=lightblue]”No no no no. I’ve put you though quite enough already. Besides, you can't be everywhere either.”[/color] [color=RoyalBlue]”oh.”[/color] he responded disappointedly, before asking [color=RoyalBlue]”What are you doing after this?”[/color] [color=lightblue]”I’m going to make weapons, and use them to invade the realm of death to steal the souls of the people still remain unburned. Before you ask, no, you don’t need to help me with that. I cant put you in harms way again.”[/color] she responded [color=RoyalBlue]”Why not? I want to help.”[/color] he insisted [color=lightblue]”Because it was wrong of me to do so in the first place.”[/color] Azura responded in frustration, thought that frustration seemed leveled as much at herself as it was at him [color=lightblue]”I should never have made something as intelligent as you as a moon shield, nor should I have made the gardeners so intelligent. I mean you needed to be smart to complete the tasks I gave you, but in the end I brought you all into this world only for you to suffer and die and burn! I had no right to make you. I’m sorry I did.”[/color] Azura cried, having got very worked up about this very quickly. Luis was quiet for quite a while before responding [color=RoyalBlue]”I’m glad you made me. The start hurt a bit, but everything after that has been nice. Helping you made me happy.”[/color] [color=lightblue]”Because I made you that way… I made clever creatures and then bolted instructions onto their minds. You’d probably feel terrible if you weren't able to help me right?”[/color] [color=RoyalBlue]”hmmm. Probably. It was lonely once the storm was in place. I went looking for you. I’m glad we found each other again.”[/color] he agreed. [color=lightblue]”The Gardners are probably the same.”[/color] she said sorrowfully [color=lightblue]”I hope they are ok.”[/color] [hr] Upon the Kick a great congregation had amassed. Thousands of Gemstone gardeners of all 5 kinds had met there after planting the rest of the island with seeds from all across the globe. In a mass shouting match they discussed the one great issue plaguing their kind. “The southern land is covered in forest that grew on its own!” cried one “The spiny lands have trees already, and they walk around!” one horrified bird explained “A little cloud zapped me there!” another complained “I was planting to the south and then everything caught fire and now the seeds won’t grown in the sand there” a slightly singed bird said “Above that I was planting and then there was blood everywhere and everything grew super fast.” said another who bathed far more often than was necessary “Weird cat bird thing ate one of us down there so we beat it up!” announced a very heavily scared and yet very proud Emerald Kea “I helped! A god touched me and now I am amazing!” declared a Blood Cockatoo that had managed to stick a Griffin feather in its head plumage as decoration “There are no new worlds left to garden!” the all cried “So what are we going to do now?” they asked “There's this island to the west of the big other one. Everything glows there like us but not quite the same. I couldn’t plant anything there but it was nice.” a bird mentioned “I think the nice glowly lady who healed me lives there?” said another who had been a survivor of the Phoenix’s attack on the eye of desolation. “Should we go there then?” some asked There was quite a bit of pondering about this “Sure, why not?” was the general consensus. Thus began a great migration of a vast and colorful flock up to tendlepog, across to Swahhitteh, after which they tool a a short skip around the maelstrom to mount chop and then across all of Atokhkwoi till at last they arrived at the glowing island of Istasis. “This is nice.” was the general consensus of the congregation before it dispersed across the island. [hr] The Giant bird and giant whale had flown in silence for quite some time now. Luis had been contemplating, his mind running in circles of logic. He liked Azura, but he only liked her because she made him too, but he didn't want to not like her, but that was because he was made that way and so on. Azura herself seemed to be moping. Eventually he came to decision. [color=RoyalBlue]”The birds. I met some while you were away. They’ve been dying and go to the fires right?”[/color] [color=lightblue]”Yes. I saw some when I went there, but could not free them alone. Aceal will help me next time. As will the allies she.. makes”[/color] Azura trailed off before Luis interjected with a surprising degree of haste [color=RoyalBlue]”Then I want to help them. Because they are like me. I don’t want them to burn. That's something I want to do on my own right? Not something you told me to do?”[/color] [color=lightblue]”I… Yes… yes it is. I gave you empathy, like I gave you reason, but the idea is yours. You want to do it even though I said you shouldn't? Its to dangerous, there will be fighting and you are not made for that. You are big and slow and soft and Katharsos will tear you apart.”[/color] she responded eventually [color=RoyalBlue]”Then please make me stronger Azura. Give me the power to help them”[/color] he requested, not adding that he also wanted it so he could help her. It wasn't what Azura needed to here, he concluded. [color=lightblue]”But you might die!”[/color] she responded, near terrified by the prospect [color=RoyalBlue]”If I do then you will preserve me?”[/color] he asked [color=lightblue]”of course!”[/color] she promised [color=RoyalBlue]”Then I have nothing to fear.”[/color] he concluded. [color=lightblue]”Ok.”[/color] she responded softly, uncertainly, before repeating herself more resolutely [color=lightblue]”Ok. I’ll do it. I think i have an idea as to how to do this.”[/color] And so she sang, and as she sang soul ash and wind solidified from the air, forming crystal and Luft stone at her command. [color=lightblue]“Construct your life and death are one Yet your souls shall not be undone With your armor made of mighty stone You will protect Luis’s flesh and bone With simple mind with life un-living Bare the brunt of foes unforgiving Yet in this you will not be alone For the fallen you will give a home Willing spirits will join the fight To aid this world's first Knight!”[/color] What formed out of woven song, air and soul was a cross between a construct like the ones managing the Vault of souls and one of Azura’s floating temple, all scaled to be just a smidgen longer that Luis. It had a large flat top that was shaped like his head and its own jointed tail that lazily swept back and forth in the wind. Atop its flat space where a number of flat buildings containing vaults for storing souls. These however were not the same plain shelves as could be found in the vault, but where instead metal devices that held the crystals in place, keeping them from falling and letting them drive additional power into the stone creature to increase its power if they wished. Along with these storage places where about two dozen of small constructs attached to its body, all roughly the height of a regular humanoid. Each was a stocky blocky legless torso bearing two rectangular arms. A single crystal sat where the construct’s head would be that controlled the construct, while four more were found at the ends of the arms, forming two claws on each limb. Finally the construct had a crew of beings that where a lot like the curators of the vault of souls which performed the same role as the ones in the vault, namely sorting and storing soul crystals, though instead of mining equipment the curators where instead capable of building with Luft stone, allowing them to make limiter repairs to their living home. Beneath it where hundreds of rib like limbs that rocked back and forth idly, making it appear to be some bizarre centipede whale skeleton hybrid. At its front was a singular massive crystal that sat just about where the creatures brain could be expected to be, which spiked up like a massive glowing horn from its forehead. Here it seemed lay the mind of the vast machine creature. Luis looked upon this strange monster with a hint of distaste at its many limned nightmarishness. As if reading his mind, though the goddess had assured him when they had met for the second time that she would not, Azura said: [color=lightblue]“Ah. That looks a little more disturbing that I meant it too. To many legs. Still, I’m quite sure it will look alot better when you put it on”[/color] [color=RoyalBlue]”Put it on?”[/color] He asked, having almost forgotten what the point of the exercise had been, so in awe was he of the goddess’s ability to form something so massive out of thin air. [color=lightblue]“Yes. Like armor. I have to thank you by the way, making this has given me a much better understanding of the art of soul crystallization. I think I’ve more or less mastered it. Which means I believe imparting this piece of power to link you to this creature will be a simple task. Do I have your permission to add a power and knowledge to your mind?”[/color] [color=RoyalBlue]”To make me stronger? Yes”[/color] he responded, at which point Azura sang again [color=lightblue]“Soul in flesh and soul in stone To one another you are known Construct give him power So that he need never cower Luis lend this tool your mind And to your will it will bind Now as one machine and master will stand strong against disaster!”[/color] The song flowed into him and all at once Luis became aware of the mind is dwelling within that body of stone and crystal. He reached out with his mind and found it accepted this mental connection without comment or hesitation. [color=RoyalBlue]Hello. What is your name?[/color] he thought to it. Its response was a cold, rigid and emotionless one that sounded a touch like Azura if all life and spirit had been drained away from her.[color=Silver]This one greets you. This one is named as Luis’s Armor[/color] it responded, before adding. [color=Silver]This one awaits your instructions[/color] Not entirely sure how to proceed he attempted to emulate his first conversation with Azura where when asked the same question he had told her that he was called the Eclipse Whale. He removes the self deprecation she had shown from the response and said[color=Silver]That's not really a name. What would you like to be called?[/color] but unfortunately it responded [color=Silver]This one does not understand your question.[/color] [color=RoyalBlue]”I do not understand this person.”[/color] he told Azura [color=lightblue]“That is because it is not a person. I have realized my mistake with making you and the Gardeners. To make a mind and then inprint instructions on it was thoughtless and I am forever sorry that I did that to you. Here instead there are only instructions with no mind attached. In this case it knows how to work for you, with you, to make you stronger, but little else. Look closer and you will see that you can probably understand the contents of its mind in a way that we never could if it were another person. It is just that simple a soul.”[/color] Peer closer he did, and indeed he could see the instructions somewhat, though they were mostly incomprehensible to him. Perhaps if he dedicated his time to examining it he could come to understand it. He wondered if this was how Azura saw him, of if she spoke honestly when she said they were the same kind of being. [color=Silver]This one awaits your instructions[/color] it reminded him with utter insurgency that still conveyed something akin to impatience. [color=RoyalBlue]”It keeps asking me for instructions.”[/color] he told Azura, [color=RoyalBlue]”what should I tell it to do?”[/color] [color=lightblue]“I would suggest telling it to armor you. Then ask it for help and it will tell you all you can do together”[/color] When he did so it told him to [color=Silver]Please remain still. This one is initiating the armor donning process. [/color] Then it approached and set itself over him, its many limbs spreading wide to engulf him before it descended. The construct touched down gently and then embraced him, it’s many limbs wrapping down around his face and body. Everywhere it touched him he could feel a strange sensation as it gripped onto his very soul for purchase, the very outer edges of his very being becoming solid and linking with the construct till he and it where as one. It was took him a great effort of will to remain calm as he was engulfed, yet once it was in place the armor felt natural as his skin, a part of him he never knew he was missing. Gazing down at the the water he could see himself reflected in the blue waves, a knight in stone armor that moved with him as one. The creepy legs and closed together to form a breastplate that guarded his underside, while the crystal that housed the constructs mind was placed directly above his forehead, making the pair’s minds extremely close to one another. He could feel the other augmenting his mind, making parts of him run faster than his sluggish meat brain could ever hope to. [color=Silver]You are now armored[/color] it announced once the process was complete. [color=Silver]Let evil tremble before your might![/color] it added, in a flare of emotion that made it sound a lot more like Azura than it normally did, before it repeated that [color=Silver]This one awaits your instructions[/color] in the same dull voice. [color=RoyalBlue]Interesting. Luis’s…. You need a better name.[/color] Azura was awful naming things [color=RoyalBlue]Luis’s armor, you are now called Bruna. Do you understand.[/color] [color=Silver]This one acknowledges your instructions. This one will now respond to the name ‘Bruna’.[/color] it confirmed [color=RoyalBlue]Good. Now. Bruna. Can you help me?[/color] he asked as Azura had instructed, only for his mind to be swamped with information about Bruna’s capabilities. While he was trying to absorb it all Azua asked him [color=lightblue]“Do you like it?”[/color] [color=RoyalBlue]”This is a lot to take in”[/color] he responded, and indeed it was. [color=RoyalBlue]”I’m not sure how soon I will be useful to you.”[/color] [color=lightblue]“It’s fine. Once we get to the north pole you will have time to practice while I make more tools and weapons.”[/color] she told him and indeed they where. It took them only a short while to reach the pole, the sea turning to ice below them, then to snow covered mountains and plains. It was rather bleak and sad compared to the vibrant oceans and lands found to the south. Azura did not stop them here however, but instead brought them up towards the top of the central mountain, and it was there where Luis got to enter the Blue for the first time. He had always been able to see the strange buildings and small creatures fluttering around the Blue as he brought the day sky with him wherever he went, but could never touch them. Here however was a world above the clouds, full of color and wonder. [color=lightblue]“Welcome home.”[/color] Azura told him. And she was right. This was home. [hider=might] Start: 8 fp, 5 mp Create extraordinary beast, Luis's armor aka Bruna (2fp towards soul crystal port) soul crystal port progress for unlock: (10/10) Unlock port, Soul Crystals (5 mp) Bruna’s Curators, a variant of the curators of the vault of souls that repair rather than mine stone. 1 fp discounted to 0 by soul crystal port Praise discounted to 0 fp by soul crystal port for Luis the eclipse whale: grant the ability to mentally linking himself with soul crystal constructs to be able to command them End: 6 fp, 0 mp Portfolio progress: Tonnikala (7/10) Birds (6/10) [/hider] [hider=creation summary] Bruna is a living warship that can be worn by Luis like a suit of armor to combine their power, Luis’s sentience, control over soul crystal constructs and air-speed combining with Bruna’s durability and faster reflexes. Bruna can store Soul Crystals, and can also draw power from them to enhance its own crystals power. These abilities are: Wind beams: Bruna’s main crystal and the small turret constructs lining its body can all fire tight beams of air at extreme speeds. These can either do concussive, piercing, cutting or drilling damage based on the shape of the wind attack (wide, thin, narrow or spiraling) the main beam is very large, while the smaller ones are only really effective at attacking small targets. As a result they act like a main gun and a pound defense system respectively. Construct control: Burna is capable of multitasking, while Luis is able to control other insentient soul crystal Constructs. Together they can coordinate armies of these constructs far better than a regular mortal could. Mortal crystals on-board the vessel can also be brought in to help with this task, adding their expertise or micromanagement to the command system. Windshield: Bruna can enclose itself in a bubble of flowing wind that can deflect incoming attacks. It cannot fire and use this ability at the same time. [/hider] [hider=summary] Azura leave behind LiKalla’s island and returns to the company of Luis the eclipse whale The pair have a long conversation in which Luis tries to find a way he can help Azura despite her insistence that he need not do so Azura says that Luis only feels the need to help her because she made him that way and then regrets creating intelligent creatures to do her bidding in the first place. Luis ponders the nature of his free will and then insists that Azura allow him to help in the fight against death despite her insisting that he need not do so. He based this decision on a desire to help the gemstone gardeners rather than his inbuilt desire to help Azura. This wins her over, as she acknowledges it as a decision made by him, rather than by her programming. Azura makes a Soul Crystal powered construct that can act as armor for Luis and can be used to both draw power from and transport Soul Crystals. Azura then gives Luis the ability to command other soul crystal constructs. He then make the armor don him and tells it its name is Bruna. The two then travel to the north pole and enter the blue where Azura wants to make constructs that will travel around crystallizing the souls of the dying to then bring them back to the north pole. In other news the Gemstone gardeners have finished their task of spreading nature across the globe. Without any further instructions most of them migrate to Istasis because it is a nice place that suits their own luminous nature. [/hider]