Crevix looked at the youth who liked the reckless route. He looked at her with pass, thinking her comments foolish. [color=#3498DB]"You do remember how old I am correct? I have more experience with the Hive than you, and have skills more challenging than playing a simulation for entertainment. If my concerns are not wanted, then I will give you my all my leave."[/color] He walked past all of them and waited by the door, listening to the situation to be convened. He took a careful look at King. [color=#3498DB][i]Synthetic? What plan does higher side have for that one? I'm sure they don't plan on her surviving, and if they do, then she would still have a very short existence. Curious.[/i][/color] He listened further, hearing the arguments they have presented. Sunni seemed the least responsive to the obviously suicidal mission. [color=#3498DB][i]Such innocence. I wonder how long it will take for her to eventually break?[/i][/color] He immediately turned on a timer in his mind. [color=#3498DB]"This will be interesting."[/color]