[center][img] https://seeklogo.com/images/S/s-h-i-e-l-d-logo-F89847BD30-seeklogo.com.png [/img][/center] [COLOR=00aeef][indent][sub][I]30,000 ft. above the Atlantic Ocean[/I] - [I]April 29, 1945[/I][/sub][sup][right]Issue 1.01.2: The Cruel Sea[/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Previously:[/b] [I] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4867187]Issue 1.01.1: Army of Shadows[/url] [/I][/right][/SUP][/indent][/color] Steve grunted as his back impacted against the ground in the large open cabin of the HYDRA war-plane. Baron Heinrich Zemo’s joyous expression was hidden by the cloth mask permanently affixed to his face. The HYDRA operative turned his back on his enemy as he returned to the pilot’s chair to ensure the success of his mission. Steve heard the bomb doors open underneath him as he struggled against the metal girder that pinned the lower half of his body. With a few deep breaths, Steve Rogers struggled and grunted as he forcefully lifted his makeshift restraint just enough to move it aside and free himself. Captain America was able to pick up his kite shield just in time as Zemo noticed the disturbance behind him and began firing. The bullets impacted against the steel shield, instead of American flesh. It only took a moment for the distance to be closed and for Cap to lift his shield into the air to bring down on his enemy. Zemo was able to move his head out of the way just in time. Sparks flew from the control panel as the shield broke into the cockpit’s frame, yet the Nazi found himself pinned in place. Zemo tried to push Rogers away, but it was no use. Cap’s eyes darted across the various instruments, and noticed a small countdown timer. There was only about a minute to spare. Cap left the shield in the console and grabbed the Nazi by his collar. A quick yet forceful throw, and the glass of the cockpit shattered as Zemo began his rapid descent towards the raging ocean below. Cap immediately made his way to the pilot’s seat, and did his best to try and take control of the craft. But the seconds were ticking away, and Steve Rogers was running out of time. If he didn’t act quickly, New York would be destroyed by some sort of atomic weapon that HYDRA had developed. Steve took a quick look around the plane, taking note of his shield and a window overlooking the wings and engines. He knew what to do. With a windup, Steve was able to launch the shield with enough force and with the proper angle to rake the shield through several engines by “threading the needle” through the window. Two of the engines detonated, and the third was smoking. The plane rattled and began its downward descent. There wasn’t long left before the bomb would be launched. Steve looked towards one door with a large sign over it in German, a language he regrettably wasn’t familiar enough with to understand. It looked like a potential exit, and hopefully had a parachute or something. Steve tried the door, but it wasn’t budging. He was able to force it open and stepped inside. It was some sort of experimental escape pod, which Steve only realized as he pulled the door closed and slammed the large red button on the side. The metal capsule launched into the air, and Steve was able to look out and watch as the plane dove into the artic water. He expected an explosion, but one never came. A few parachutes were able to catch the capsule and it gently floated towards the ocean. As the capsule touched down in the Artic, Steve tried to open the door but found it had somehow sealed itself. Steve did his best to try and bash against the door, but doing so only made things worse. A hairline fracture in the porthole of the capsule would doom the good Captain’s fate. It sunk to the ocean floor, water slowly leaking in. Cap tried harder and harder to get out, but the despair at the situation and the deep chill in his spine ended up forcing the hero to resign. The last thing he remembered was the feeling of taking in a large gulp of seawater after holding his breath. He had accepted death. But death hadn’t accepted him apparently.[hr][right][color=00aeef]Next Chapter:[/color] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4871125]Fury[/url][/right]