[@Kidd][@Eviledd1984] [h2][i][color=olivedrab]Brian McConaughan[/color][/i][/h2][hr] McConaughan gave a nod of thanks toward the bar tender. [color=olivedrab]"Don't worry about me, miss. I'd be more concerned for your glassware."[/color] Then the younger Japanese man spoke to him. [i]“Do you need medical assistance or something?”[/i] McConaughan was surprised at being approached, but let out a raspy laugh and shook his head. [color=olivedrab]“No, laddie,”[/color] he said. [color=olivedrab]“I’ve had my fair share of injuries. This one isn’t going to do me in.”[/color] He gave his most convincing smirk as he squeezed his right hand into a fist, internally wincing at the feeling of broken flesh scraping behind the bandage. He eyed the two men as they spoke Japanese to one another. McConaughan hadn’t bothered to learn any languages aside from his native language of English and whatever Gaelic he was taught in primary school, so he was wary of what they might be saying. He was looking for any signs that one or both of them might be a blood sucker, but couldn't find anything that stood out particularly, especially with his bleary eyesight. But the conversation between the two men ended quickly and the younger man turned back to face him again. [i]“Do you mind if I check out the wound?”[/i] he asked. McConaughan looked down at his bandaged hand and furrowed his brow. The bandage was completely soaked with blood now. His voice held a tinge of annoyance. [color=olivedrab]“Do I look like I need to be coddled?”[/color] He paused for a moment, pursing his lips. His mouth felt so dry. Then he let out a small sigh that stunk of alcohol. [color=olivedrab]“But...if it’ll make you stop gawking, then have at it.”[/color]