[@dndragons][@Allycat][@Reflection][@Amore][@Revi Hunter][@JackDLemmy][@Raging Fenrir][@Hoekage][@sassy1085][@alexfangtalon][@CaptainCaptcha][@Ephemeral][@Red Alice][@Experiment 249][@AdmrlStalfos19] We seem to have a good crowd to start off with! I will be creating the IC, OOC and CS tab. Reflection and I have already communicated on what villages will stand for now, the time period and created the basic character sheets for all of you, wonderful people to fill out. The IC topic should be created and put up by the end of the week to mid next week. You all will be tagged into it so you don’t miss out on another. Hope to see all of you there when its up and getting ready to run!