[color=00a99d]"Damn it is the stuff poisonous? If not we can try counter-attacking. Blind attacking is dumb but the only real alternative is fleeing otherwise. We can't just sit here, and do nothing. Logia fruit, or not we have to solve whatever's going on, and quick."[/color] Adam called out as he kept retreating make sure to keep himself in cover as much as possible. Stray attacks were always a threat, and with little recourse but to keep in cover he hoped the other crew had abilities to fix the situation at hand. He was relatively useless in the given circumstances. Close combat in a swamp was a death sentence usually if the enemy had already established themselves with fire arms. [color=00aeef]"Is there a tree or something over there? Can anyone make anything out? If there is try blowing a branch off it may knock a couple of the dorks out."[/color]