Hark stumbled out of the small tavern door trying to take care as to not spill his mug full of ale. He looked around the small town to see if there was anything that perked his interests but unsurprisingly the town was just as quiet at night as it was the last time he was here. Hark took a long gulp of ale followed by a loud burp before he started walking down the the dirt road. Hark had no destination in mind but he was far from ready to turn in for the night. Hark took a deep breath in and took in the smells of the residents cooking their dinners. While the town was a very quiet place it was Home to Hark and hadn’t found a place in all his travels he would trade for Anvil. As Hark wondered around the small town he spotted a small group at the bridge that perked his interest. He immediately noticed the blonde woman who had been denied a room at the inn and put up a little funny scene. Hark casually walked up to the group and said, “Well it only took about 26 but inally I seams this town has a little night life going on.” As he glanced around the group his eyes fell upon the seamingly leather armor of the tall muscular man that was leaning on the rail At first glance it would appear he was wearing regular armor but anyone who has been around enough royals and people of high status would know that was dragon skin armor. Now, Hark was really interested.