[@unicorgi] [hider=Room 22-F (Francisco)] Took a second to savor the sweet in his mouth before answering. [color=aba000]"Yeah, should begin tomorrow proper. You can sign up for what classes you want at the Admin buildings. Didn't you read the brochure?"[/color] He gave a questioning look at the girl. She was obviously new, if she didn't know how classes worked around here yet. Well that would be pretty swell for him. "I could show you around, if you want?" he offered. It might even be fun. [/hider] [@EpicKDP] [@Spike] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@QueenNugget] [hider=THE TREES] The treants of the school were patient, pondering specimens with long memories. In the years past, they had dealt with countless students who thought to get past them and gain access into the forest that was their charge. Before even that time, they had dealt invaders of every stripe; destructive forces who sought to harm Beloved. Where it not for the Headmasters protection, they would have surely perished in shame. So it is in the spirit of gratitude that they take up the task of preventing his students from accessing his land. Some are merely curious, and so are turned away, others are of the daring type, and must be sternly scolded. But for the more malicious types, those who seek to enter with ill-intent in their hearts, the treants returned them to the earth. La'Tavia was perhaps one of the most persistent and audacious challengers to their authority. She had caused all manner of mayhem attempting to gain entry into their forest without permission, and they drove her back every time. It was actually quite amusing for them - especially as La'Tavia was a girl of little evil intent - much to the surprise of the treants. So it was with some amusement that one of the treants roots reached out from underground, and pulled La'Tavia and her friends down into the earth, leaving only their heads above ground. [color=598527]"Back so soon, Firebird?"[/color] A gnarled face on a tree-trunk peeked over to her. It's voice, slow and ponderous, and rumbling deep like a canyon. [color=598527]"Or was it? How many days has it been since you've come, I wonder."[/color] [/hider]