[@Cio] Beck smiled at her softly. [color=silver]"Beck, call me Beck."[/color] she replied. Her eyes were a little distant yet, probably a lingering symptom of the stun along with the ringing in her ears. Unpleasant, but she'd felt worse. [color=silver]"I'll still get that bullet out of your leg if you want. I'm not just some slayer hobo, I'm ex-military, I know what I'm doing. Guess I could have said something earlier."[/color] She reached over the front seats and pulled back a metal canteen, handing it to Vanessa. [color=silver]"I know some of you like to wash it down. I get that, people are gross."[/color] she joked lightly as she took more gauze from the medkit. [color=silver]"Never got your name, either."[/color]