[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fTD5yRH.png[/img] & [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-iii/images/d/df/Shengshi-logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20190112093445[/img] & [color=f7941d][h1]Kalmar[/h1][/color] [/center] [center][h1]“This is where the fun begins.” - Anakin Skywalker[/h1][/center] [hr] Kalmar frowned with confusion upon witnessing Shengshi’s first insult toward him. Hadn’t their dispute been resolved? He thought they had come to an understanding. Then came further insults, as well as a threat. He felt Arryn’s rage which only served to amplify his own, and he was soon grinding his teeth and clenching his fists. [color=f7941d][i]That… that fool…[/i][/color] His words had been clear. [color=f7941d]”Insult me, deceive me, or threaten me again, and I will make you answer for it,”[/color] Kalmar repeated aloud. And so the snake must answer for it. He continued observing the memories. He witnessed Arya’s decision to send Arryn away, which caught him off guard, but he was unsure of her motives so he did not make any sudden judgement. Then he was disappointed to see that Arryn had fallen to despair afterward, and he saw the falcon’s conversation with Asceal. He saw her convince Arryn down a path of mild disloyalty, and then she decided to resolve his dispute before it became known. Kalmar frowned. What gave her the right? [color=f7941d]”You stay here,”[/color] he ordered Arryn, a slight growl in his voice, as he took flight and set off once again. [hr] Arya awoke suddenly, her breath shallow and fast, almost as if she had a bad dream. As her eyes adjusted, she faced a strange sight, for some reason, she was [i]looking[/i] down at her empty bed. She blinked once, twice, but the image still remained. She quickly looked around to find that the ceiling was extremely close to her, and only then did it set in that she was floating. Floating? Her eyes went wide as she began to panic, flailing about in the sheet that still covered her. Not knowing what else to do, she screamed for help. Not even a second passed before the door swung open. Ten servants stormed in, circling the screaming Arya in a primitive form of panic, each occasionally skipping into the air in an attempt to grab her. Most of them merely licked off her back and fell back into bed, though. Arya was touched by the servants trying to get to her, but even their tiny bodies couldn’t quite reach. What else could she do? Could she move? Arya’s breath became slower as she began to calm down, panicking wasn’t that answer. In fact, she was probably in the safest place in the ship to figure this out. So, she moved her arms about, trying to see if that was what controlled her sudden floating self, but in actuality, it probably looked incredibly silly. When this did nothing, she let out a loud sigh and looked down at the water servants. [color=ivory]”Guys… Guys! Instead of jumping around, why don’t you try something else?”[/color] she said in a defeated manner. The globules all stopped in their tracks to think, promptly exploding in a spectacle of water that doused the bed, the floor and all of Arya’s back. She said nothing for a moment before she began to giggle, which then turned into full blown laughing. [color=ivory]”Guys!”[/color] she said with happy tears streaming down her face, [color=ivory]”That’s not what I had in mind.”[/color] Another train of servants came in through the door, but upon seeing the puddles, they zoomed right back out. A moment later, they came in with towels and mops and began to wipe what had once been the other servants off the floor and the bed. This display prompted Arya to laugh until her sides began to hurt, at the absolute absurdity of the entire situation. The water globules were so useless, but at the same time, they tried, even if it didn’t help. She had to get to her master, he would know what was wrong with her. If only she could just… just get there and suddenly her body began to move before it stopped. Her eyes went wide as her laughter was replaced by the clean up below her. She was trying so hard to use her body to fly, that she hadn’t even thought about using her head! Arya spun herself around by using the ceiling, and faced the door. She then took a deep breath and thought about flying in that direction. Her body began to move, faster then she had anticipated and Arya ended up slamming into the wall opposite of the entryway. The blow stung a bit, but she shrugged it off, she had done it! Determination welled up inside of her, and Arya began the journey to her Master’s quarters, slowler this time. Every now and then, she would jerk faster then what she wanted. It was a challenge to maintain the proper speed, so it became her primary focus. As she zoomed through the banquet hall, the ruckus below first redoubled, then stopped as all manners of servants had taken just a moment to use their poor excuses for perception and observe what was floating in the air above, prompting a mass popping of globules and subsequent dropping of cutlery and silverware. She soared up the stairwell and ended up in front of the gates to Shengshi’s chambres way faster than normal, just as the snake flung the doors open. He regarded Arya somberly, suspiciously and quizzically. “I heard a ruckus,” he said. “Also, when did you learn to fly?” Arya about flew into Shengshi but stopped in her tracks, and willed herself to float upright at his eye level. She crossed her arms and said, [color=ivory]”Oh Master! Some of… uh… some of the water globules are… dead?”[/color] she paused before saying, [color=ivory]”I- This Servant woke up floating so… I- This servant… learned on the fly how to… fly?”[/color] she said smirking. [color=ivory]”This servant was hoping you might know why.”[/color] The snake raised a brow, his lips curling into a smirk. “If that so? Well, come in, then. Also, do not mind the servants. They will come back shortly.” The snake turned around and slithered inside, beckoning Arya to follow. “Now… Tell me, did you have any odd dreams while you slept?” Feeling relieved that the servants weren’t actually dead for good, Arya floated after her master and joined him like many times before, in his chambers. It looked different, being so high up. The room looked smaller somehow. [color=ivory]”Hmmm,”[/color] Arya pondered aloud, [color=ivory]”This servant can’t remember any dreams.”[/color] she said. “Mhm-mhm, I see. Did you happen to wake up during your sleep and see anything?” [color=ivory]”N-No?”[/color] she said suddenly very confused and worried. [color=ivory]”What happened?”[/color] she asked. The snake plucked pensively at his beard. He hummed ponderously for a moment. “No, nothing happened. My analysis is that your proximity to divinity has rubbed off on you, infusing your soul with fragments of our holy spirits. As such, you have been given flight through soul mutation.” He flicked his tongue and leaned his cheek on his fist as he sat down. “How peculiar,” he mused. Worry and confusion melted away from Arya’s heart and she was suddenly very happy. She squealed aloud, [color=ivory]”Oh wonderful! Ever since Ary took me flying, I’ve wanted to do so! I mean… This servant is very thankful, my Lord.”[/color] she said calming down again. She looked at her master, suddenly serious. [color=ivory]”Last night… This servant shouldn’t have ran away. This servant is, sorry.”[/color] she said softly. The snake held up a palm. “Your reaction was natural. It was I who prompted it - thus the fault is mine. I trust Arae helped soothe your troubled mind, then?” [color=ivory]”She did a little.”[/color] but she looked to Shengshi again and her eyes welled up with tears, [color=ivory]”But why? Why would you not give me a choice?”[/color] she asked shakely. The snake lifted an eyebrow and let out a sigh. “A choice, huh…” He gestured to the slider door, which was open to reveal the outside. “You make a compelling argument. Why should I not give you a choice? In truth, I had not considered it an option: A servant should be obedient to its lord without error; in return, a lord should never ask a servant to act as the lord themself would not. Though, it should be noted that a lord who would be willing to sacrifice much for a servant should not be faulted for expecting the same in return.” He looked at Arya with a reptilian gaze. “Tell me, what would you do with your freedom?” Arya thought upon his words and shut her eyes before speaking, [color=ivory]”Master… When this serva- When I came here, I pledged myself to you and your teachings, so that I could learn and grow and become who I was meant to be. And I have learned so, so much from you. For this I will be forever grateful, but you are mistaken in one regard. My freedom is choice. When you told me that I didn’t have that, the one basic right all of us should have, I was devastated. I had thought we were beyond that, ever since you forced me to come aboard without asking. That’s all I ever wanted. I may have willingly gave myself up to your teachings, but Master, please- I am my own person. Not some bargaining chip so that you might stop some family quarrel. Mortal as I might be, Uncle, I am family too.”[/color] she paused before continuing, [color=ivory]”I sacrificed my friendship with Arryn so that I could save him from injury, and I would sacrifice for you as well, if it meant putting an end to the feud with Kalmar. All you had to do, was ask. T-That’s all.”[/color] The snake was silent. Then, after a pause, he began to snicker, then laugh, then cackle loudly. Arya seemed to shrink at this, and her eyes went wide. Had she offended him to the point of madness? Oh no... The guffaw subsided and the snake took some deep breaths to recuperate. “It is funny. I demand all this shallow respect from all whom I meet, and show them the same, because I am a creature of principles - I like to think of myself as such, anyway. I have criticised, mocked and even threatened those who break with these principles, all because I am certain that these principles will bring about prosperity and harmony in time. I have started feuds and nearly wars with beings as strong as me, and yet…” He stood up.”... Here you stand, a creature I could end with a single thought, acting as if we are brother and sister.” He flicked his tongue. “It is simultaneously adorable and infuriating.” After a while, he turned around. “Fine. Have it your way.” As she listened to her master speak, she grew still. After a long moment, Arya floated over to Shengshi and placed a small hand on his shoulder. The snake gently shoved the hand away. “Forgetting yourself, -Arya-,” he hissed. She recoiled, a silent tear running down her face. She had upset him, rightfully so but upon hearing her own name, and not Anxin, she grew… angry? [color=ivory]”No…”[/color] she whispered, [color=ivory]”No! You do not get to call this servant by that name, [i]master[/i].”[/color] she said angrily. [color=ivory]”All this servant ever wanted to do, was make her master PROUD! To feel apart of something! So go ahead, sulk, be angry, be offended. But do not call this servant Arya. You named this one ANXIN.”[/color] she finished, breathing heavily. Noticing that her hands were smoking. The snake snickered. “Much better. Had you not included all the ‘be this, be that’ nonsense, you may have approached something resembling the manners I have been trying to teach you. Manners are not about something as shallow as seeking validation; they are closer to the core than that, integral to society. Do you think I act as I do so the others will tell me how polite I am?” Arya sighed, [color=ivory]”This servant, apolo-”[/color] There was a sudden loud thud, and the ship rocked slightly from the impact. [color=f7941d]”SHENGSHI!”[/color] Kalmar’s voice boomed throughout the ship. [color=f7941d]”Get down here!”[/color] [color=ivory]”Oh no…”[/color] Arya whispered aloud. She heard that voice and her eyes suddenly went wide, completely forgetting everything that they had just been fighting about. Her only concern became that of calming the dispute, and keeping the two God’s from killing each other. The snake let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “Every time.“ Arya looked to Shengshi and began to speak, [color=ivory]”This servant wishes that her holiness, her master of master’s, stays here for but a moment!”[/color] she said before flying out the open door into the vast blue of the sky. She circled down to the deck of the ship, where she saw Kalmar. [color=ivory]”Kalmar!”[/color] she said enthusiastically before attacking his arm in a hug. [color=ivory]”Oh what are you doing here!”[/color] she asked, still holding on. Kalmar frowned. He had not expected this. Where was the snake? Did he cower below deck? He had thought her confinement here was unwilling, yet it almost seemed as though she had been given free run of the place. [color=f7941d]”Keeping a promise,”[/color] he told her. There was a pause, and then he added: [color=f7941d]”Are you being held captive?”[/color] [color=ivory]”What? No! Of course not, Master would never… Well… I’m not any more!”[/color] she paused, not helping the situation in the slightest, [color=ivory]”What promise!”[/color] she asked, almost demanding. Kalmar did not answer her question. Instead, he responded with two more, his voice more confused than demanding. [color=f7941d]”’Master’? ‘Any more’?[/color] Then his eyes widened with realization. [color=f7941d]”Damn him, he has conscripted you into his pack!”[/color] She let go of Kalmar and floated to meet his eyes, [color=ivory]”No! No! You have it all wrong! I am willingly serving under him, learning what I can so that I can grow and win, just like you said!”[/color] she said, forgetting the proper etiquette of her station. Kalmar frowned at that. Not at the breach in Shengshi’s imaginary etiquette, but at her words. [color=f7941d]”You willingly gave up your freedom? And to do so you sent Arryn into despair? How does that help you win?”[/color] Her heart broke when Kalmar told her of Arryn, it had never been her intention to hurt the small bird. More alarming was Kalmar’s chastising. If anything, she thought he would understand. [color=ivory]”N-No...Ary? I… did it to protect him… I never wanted him to hurt…”[/color] she said softly. [color=f7941d]”Perhaps you did protect him,”[/color] Kalmar conceded. [color=f7941d]”Yet why did you not convince him to leave with you? Why did you bind yourself to Shengshi?[/color] [color=ivory]”I… I thought… That’s what you would have wanted… So I could… So I could make it home one day…”[/color] she said, her voice shaking. [color=f7941d]”I never would have wanted you to give up your freedom,”[/color] Kalmar told her. Then paused. [color=f7941d]”What do you consider home? Kalgrun, or Veradax?”[/color] [color=ivory]”I have my freedom, “[/color] she said, [color=ivory]”Veradax is my home, where I was born. Where my father is. I have to… I have to go there…”[/color] she seemed to finish in a whisper. Kalgrun was dear to her, it was, but she had to see Veradax and her father. It was a compulsion she barely understood, and it scared her. That gave Kalmar pause. He tried to convince her that her father was wrong, that he was unstable, yet she still wanted to see him regardless. [color=f7941d]”How does serving Shengshi help you accomplish that?”[/color] [color=ivory]”I… I don’t know. Perhaps… Perhaps he’ll listen to me if I know how to talk and act properly…”[/color] she said sadly. [color=f7941d]”I suspect your father cares even less for that nonsense than I do.”[/color] Kalmar told her. [color=f7941d]”While you and Arryn went to Dragon’s Foot, I went to speak with him. I got through to him with directness, not by bandying words. I do not know if he will change, but I know he heard me.”[/color] Her eyes went wide, Kalmar’s words were like a blow. He had went to SPEAK with her father? That was why he had told her to leave? She grew angry once again, and shouted, [color=ivory]”You went to see him! Without me! How could you? How could you! I trusted you!”[/color] she began to cry angry tears as her arms and legs began to smoke. Kalmar was unphased by her anger. [color=f7941d]”I did. I did not bring you, because I did not know how he would have reacted to your presence, yet alone mine. I did not even know you wanted to see him. He cast you out. If he saw you again, it might have hurt you, or killed you. When I spoke to him, I tried to convince him to change. If I had succeeded, it would have been both safer and easier for you to speak with him in the future. Either way, I intended to tell you about it after I rejoined you.”[/color] He paused once again, deep in thought, and then added, [color=f7941d]”I... apologize for not telling you beforehand.”[/color] Arya shook her head, [color=ivory]”That wasn’t your choice to make! How could you not ask? Why does no one ask me anything! They just assume, and force and think what’s best!”[/color] she finished, the smoke from her hands growing more pronounced. She had trusted Kalmar, and she felt betrayed. How could he have not know that was what she wanted most? Had it not been obvious? Kalmar frowned. [color=f7941d]”I never forced anything on you. If you wanted to speak with your father, you only had to ask. Just as, if you did not want my teachings, you could have walked away.”[/color] The smoke from her hands lessened and her eyes seemed to grow softer. [color=ivory]”No… You never forced me, Kalmar. I am sorry, you did not deserve that. But how could you not know?”[/color] she asked softly, [color=ivory]”You knew everything else. Everything, but that?”[/color] [color=f7941d]”I know much, but I do not know everything. I made a mistake.”[/color] Kalmar reluctantly confessed. [color=f7941d]”Knowing what I know now, I would have brought you. But we can’t change the past.”[/color] Yet another pause. [color=f7941d]”What are you going to do next?”[/color] “I already tried to ask her that,” said a voice above. The snake stood of his veranda with his hands behind his back. “Architect’s greetings, Kalmar. I would have sent a letter of invitation, but I seemed to have forgotten - I swear, though, I was going to contact you sooner or later. Now, I reckon you have some things to get off your chest, so go on ahead. Do not worry, I will not interrupt.” The snake winked playfully. When Shengshi began speaking, Kalmar’s expression darkened. He left Arya and flew upward, landing on Shengshi’s balcony right in front of the snake, and stared his rival in the eye. [color=f7941d]”You,”[/color] he growled, his voice tinged with fury. [color=f7941d]”What did I tell you when we last spoke!?”[/color] Arya quickly flew up to join the two Gods, floating directly out in the open with a hand pressed just below her eyes. She had no idea what to say or what to do. She felt powerless. The snake plucked pensively at his beard. “Hmm… What did you tell me… Oh, no, I recall. You said I could neither threaten, insult or… What was the last one again?” He eyed the sky in thought. [color=f7941d]”Now tell me what you said to my avatar,”[/color] Kalmar demanded, his voice no less furious. “Oh, to Arryn, you mean? Yes, I may have been crass in my language and said something resembling, ‘I will send your master another carcass to skin,’ the implication being that I would murder him and send him your way. Was that what you wanted to hear?” He raised an eyebrow. [color=f7941d]”And what makes you think I won’t skin [i]you[/i] instead?”[/color] Kalmar threatened. [color=f7941d]”I told you that if you insulted me, threatened me, or deceived me, I would make you answer for it. A slight against my avatar is a slight against me. [i]How do you answer for it!?”[/i][/color] [color=ivory]”K-Kalmar…”[/color] Arya said meekly as she looked to her mentor. The snake slammed his right fist into his left palm. “Deceive! That was the word! Thank you for reminding me. Oh! And make certain you are extra thorough when you skin me. I want my skin to make the most [i]divine[/i] pair of boots in creation, do you understand?” He snickered and bowed to Kalmar as a gesture of gratitude. Arya looked back to Shengshi with a horrified expression, [color=ivory]”N-No!”[/color] she wailed. Kalmar knew when he was being mocked. [color=f7941d]”How do you answer for it!?”[/color] he yelled again, shoving the snake against the railing. [color=ivory]”S-Stop! Stop!”[/color] Arya said, flying down and grabbing Kalmar, trying in vain to pull him back by his arm. The snake’s air was knocked out of his lungs by the blow, prompting a slight grimace. “My, no fun today. Is a confession what you want to hear? Would that change anything? Would words to the wind give you the legitimacy to strike your own brother? I would remind you that the only hand I actually have laid upon your kin was the hand that I lifted them aboard my ship with. If you strike me for speaking, brother, you will have proven my insults right.” [color=f7941d]”You know exactly why I strike you,”[/color] Kalmar growled, shrugging off Arya’s hands. [color=f7941d]”I told you what would happen, [i]and you did it anyway.[/i] Unlike you, my words are not wind. You will answer for this, one way or another, and you should be grateful I’m giving you a chance to choose how!”[/color] Arya flew backwards, momentarily disgruntled by Kalmar’s gesture. Quickly, she a flew a few feet away, turning around to face the two again. Her arms began to smoke. “So humour me for a moment so I may get some clarification: My choices are what, exactly? I confess and you ‘make me answer’, or I do not confess and you ‘make me answer’, hmm?” His eyes blinked over at Arya for a moment. “Anxin, did your hands get dusty?” [color=f7941d]”Anxin? Her name is Arya,”[/color] Kalmar corrected. She shook her head, words escaping her for a moment. She felt something deep down inside, growing. And she was so angry at being ignored. “A name without meaning is a curse - her soul is purer and than the water of a mountain spring and her heart is like a peaceful day in the woods - her name should reflect that!” the snake snapped back, now considerably more furious in tone. She heard Shengshi’ words, and just like that her anger faltered. He did care, all this time she thought… it didn’t matter because… [i]he[/i] did care. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she turned to look back at Kalmar. [color=f7941d]”Why are you so petty?”[/color] Kalmar demanded. [color=f7941d]”I thought any dispute we had was resolved! Then you draw an ugly river across my continent, you insult me, you insult and threaten my avatar, and my pupil. You call my teachings wrong and you change her name purely out of spite. I didn’t even know we had a feud until Arryn came back to me.”[/color] Kalmar shook his head. [color=f7941d]”You were the one who started this, not me. I am only here to keep my word. Here are my conditions. You kneel before me and apologize,”[/color] Kalmar cared little for such gestures, but he could tell they meant a great deal to the snake. [color=f7941d]”You swear to never again raise any threats, attacks, or insults to me, my creations, or my followers. You or your ship will never come within sight of Kalgrun or my sphere without my permission. You will give Arya freedom to leave if she desires. You will let her choose her own name. She will not call you master or act as your servant, unless she wants to. Do you accept?”[/color] The snake raised an eyebrow. “My, I believe someone is a little sensitive to criticism. Say, may I make one teeny amendment - then I swear upon my existence that I will accept any and all other conditions.” He put his left palm over his right fist as to make a gesture of respect. “Just a miniscule little subtraction of a clause which I believe is detrimental to the both of us.” He made a small space between his fingers to illustrate. [color=f7941d]”Get on with it,”[/color] Kalmar ordered. “Naturally, dear brother. I merely, humbly request that we remove the clause that prohibits insults, which, if you felt insulted by me commenting on your teachings, includes criticism. If we can remove this clause, I will kneel, nay, prostrate myself before you.” [color=f7941d]”You denounced my teachings without even knowing what they were.”[/color] Kalmar stared him down. [color=f7941d]”That isn’t criticism. [i]Actual[/i] criticism is allowed.”[/color] “Anxin, did Kalmar’s teachings involve any of the following: reading, music or art?” he looked to the side, ignoring Kalmar for a spell. Arya finally understood something important when she listened to Kalmar speak. She realized that neither Shengshi, nor Kalmar would ever see eye to eye on any matter and it broke it heart to see such fighting. Her master had upset Kalmar the likes of which she had never seen before. His demands, were as equally petty as Shengshi had been. But the way Kalmar spoke on her behalf, was not forgotten by Arya. She appreciated it, she did, it was all about her having a choice. She looked to both gods, torn between the two of them. Shengshi, for all his faults and mistakes, had apologized in his own way. Just like her, he missed someone greatly, but at the same time, his code of conduct prevented him from opening his heart to love. As all things should, regardless of class or station. Master or servant, but she did not blame him for this, it simply who he was. Kalmar was her first friend, her first mentor and for that she was as equally grateful. He had taken her in when she needed help the most. He taught her how to survive and to live, but at the same time, he never told her about the meeting with her father. Nor had he seen, in all of his wisdom, the one thing she wanted most. For this, Arya did not blame him either. It had been her fault that he had not know. And she didn’t know what to do. [color=ivory]”Um… No? But I learned other things, like how to defend myself.”[/color] she said. The snake shrugged. “Nice skill to have, though not as important as proper conduct, if you would ask me. See? Now we have a disagreement over the correct teachings. Let us face it, brother - we will never agree on this. You will never see poetry as anything useful, and I will never appreciate a properly made bow. So, if my point has been sufficiently proven, can we make the amendment and proceed with my surrender?” It hadn’t been proven. But in truth, Kalmar tired of fussing over minor details. That had perhaps been the lightest offense of them all. [color=f7941d]”Fine.”[/color] he said at last. The snake grinned. “How stellar - now, let us do it on deck; my veranda is a little cramped.” The snake straightened back up and slithered inside. Kalmar frowned, and followed. There was space enough. Why did it matter where it happened? Perhaps the snake was trying to salvage some pride by dictating where it took place? [hr] Once they were out on deck, the snake walked up to the dragon’s head and touched it absent-mindedly. “You know, brother - this will be the first time I surrender to anyone. An interesting experience, would you not agree?” [color=f7941d]”I did not want this,”[/color] Kalmar told him. [color=f7941d]”But if I do not keep my word, my word loses all weight. Nobody will trust me, and those that would seek to destroy us would not feel threatened by me. So let’s get on with it.”[/color] The snake opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but seemingly decided against it. He lowered his torso to the ground and placed his palms and forehead on the deck planks. “My brother Kalmar - under the conditions mentioned in our treaty, with the amendment I requested, I wholeheartedly surrender. Never shall I set foot or ship upon Kalgrun without Your holy permission; never shall I threaten or attack those who share a bond with Your sacred soul; and this humble servant shall naturally allow Anxin, or Arya if she prefers, to walk free with no strings attached. This I, Shengshi, Lord of the Thousand Streams and the River God of Galbar, swear upon my very existence.” Just then, something about this felt wrong to Kalmar. It was not the terms they had made, no. It was the bowing. This… this was not the same man he had first met on Kalgrun. What had changed? And then he realized something was missing. He frowned, stepped forward, and extended a hand to help the snake up. The snake did not notice the hand at first; then, upon seeing how close the god’s feet was, looked up to see the gesture. He frowned. “What are you doing?” he hissed quizzically. [color=f7941d]”Helping you up. The dispute is resolved, we are no longer enemies.”[/color] Kalmar told him. The snake’s face twisted into a look akin to the one one would get upon seeing someone letting their dog defecate on one’s yard. He immediately got back to his tail without the hand and waved his hands defiantly. “N-no! That is not how it is supposed to-...” He pressed a few fingers into his forehead. “Right, my mistake for expecting proper manners. Yes, yes, our dispute is over. Just… Let a god finish his gest of respect.” [color=f7941d]”Do what you need to do.”[/color] Shengshi got back down in a kowtow for a few seconds, then rose, bowed three times before finally extending his hand. “Now, we may shake on it,” he said with an abomination of a frown and a smile on his face. Normally Kalmar would have been annoyed, but now, the snake’s fixation on such gestures was almost amusing. He extended a hand, and shook. [color=f7941d]”I apologize as well, for what it’s worth. But there is something I need to ask you. I do not intend to offend you, so forgive me if you find it rude.”[/color] He recited the last words clumsily, almost mechanically, yet the fact that he chose to recite them at all meant something. The snake looked utterly confused. “A-are you well, dear brother?” After the shake, he pulled back his hand as if he had touched manure. “I-I mean… Yes. I apologise for my, uhm… Unsavory behaviour.” He straightened back up. While the two gods forgave one another, Arya had landed upon the deck. It had been the first time since her feet had touched the ground since her gift had manifested. A little ways way, she watched her master and Kalmar make amends while clasping her hands together. But it was then she felt something upon her finger, and so she looked, looking away from the two brothers. What she saw was a ring, a dazzlingly ring that seemed to shimmer with stars. How had she missed that? She held the ring up so that the sunlight reflected off of it, and Arya became bewitched by its beauty. It reminded her of… of her father. Shengshi, seemingly looking for anything other than Kalmar’s creepy demeanor change to look at, let his eyes fall upon Arya. “Anxin, is something the matter? What is that-?” His words cut off as he smelled the aura. His eyes immediately turned reptilian, and the fins along his back and tail grew slightly pointier. “I am afraid I must answer your question at a later moment in time, dear brother… Anxin, may I have a look at that ring, if you would not mind?” Arya began to tremble, smoke lifting off her arms and legs like so many times before. Slowly she turned her head to look at Shengshi with a look of betrayal. [color=ivory]”Y-You… lied to me?”[/color] she said agitated. The snake sighed wearily. “If you are referring to me telling you that you developed flight by remaining in divine proximity, then yes - in truth, I, too, spoke with your father without telling you.” [color=ivory]”You… did [i]what?[/i]”[/color] she said angrily, the black smoke becoming thicker as her hand dropped to her side. “Your father wished not to wake you; as such, I assumed he wished for you not to know he had dropped by. A parent trying his best to heal broken bonds, I can admire, though I cannot say for certain what artifact he left you. I sense its potential is rather… [i]destructive[/i].” Kalmar was surprised. He had sense some of Orvus’s aura on Arya, though at the time he just assumed he was misremembering her original aura. Arya’s rage upon finding out he had spoken to her father without her had been enough to dismiss any suspicion that she been near her father since then, and besides, he was too focused on Arya’s own safety and confronting Shengshi to mention it. But he made no comment. The anger she had felt earlier redoubled with intensity as she spoke, [color=ivory]”I trusted you and you lied to me! You forced me to come on this ship! You hurt Ary! I thought you cared!”[/color] she said the words, caught up in the heat of the moment, not realizing what she was actually saying. She then screamed, [color=ivory]”THEN MY FATHER WAS HERE? AND YOU LIED TO ME! Right to my face! How could you? HOW COULD YOU!”[/color] And then Arya’s powers manifested, and she exploded with destructive energy, barely enough to scratch a god, but enough to leave a sizable hole in the deck. When the dust cleared, Arya was but a white spec in the distant sky and Shengshi was on his knees, weeping while hugging a divine plank. “Oh, no… My precious, precious ship! My dearest servants!” He stroked the splintered deck passionately as tears dripped down on the watery corpses of servants who had been splattered everywhere with too little water to sustain the spirit within. Mentally, Kalmar cursed. It had gone well. The dispute had been resolved. Then Arya had her outburst. He did not know where Arya had gone, and he considered reaching out telepathically but he doubted she would listen. He was also disappointed - he thought she was more rational than this. Perplexed, he looked down at Shengshi, who was in mourning for the loss of… um… wood? [color=f7941d]”When you’re finished grieving, we need to talk.”[/color] The snake sniffed and said in a cracking, sobbing voice, “I-... I think I am going to need a minute.” He let out a loud wail as he caressed the broken-off head of a gold dragon statue. [color=f7941d][i]Why?[/i][/color] Kalmar asked himself, looking up at the sky in exasperation. [color=f7941d][i]Why is he like this?[/i][/color] By all rights he should have left the lizard to cry. That is exactly what he should do. Yet he still needed to speak with him. [color=f7941d]”I will be inside when you’re ready.”[/color] The snake let out a sobbing “uh-huh” followed by a long, weeping “waaaaa-ha-ha-haaaa!” As Kalmar entered the palace, the snake had seemingly picked up a broken porcelain vase to mourn. [hr] The two sat down in the banquet hall, Shengshi at the far end of the god’s table and Kalmar in the chair designated for him. It was a fine chair, draped in wolf pelts and upholstered with beaver pelts. Its woodwork was detailed, yet rough - all in all a fine piece of craftsmanship. Kalmar did not like the chair. It was too soft. The pelts… Shengshi had surely not killed those animals himself. But he kept those feelings hidden. The snake fixed his weary gaze on the hunter god. “Now… What did you wish to discuss?” [color=f7941d]”What holds a hierarchy together?”[/color] Kalmar asked him. The snake raised and eyebrow and snapped his fingers. Some servants who were incredibly dirty and full of pollutants zig-zagged over carrying drinks and food for the two. Shengshi looked torn-up from seeing them like this; however, he nonetheless turned to Kalmar with an earnest expression. “A hierarchy is composed of a leader and its followers. While the legitimacy of the leader will vary depending on species, culture and about a thousand other factors, the fundamental idea is that a hierarchy is kept stable as long as the leader’s legitimacy remains true. If that legitimacy stems from strength, the hierarchy will hold as long as no one is strong enough to overthrow the leader; if the hierarchy stems from divine right, then one of us decides on who gets to keep this mandate of heaven. That would be the general gist of it. Why would you like to know?” [color=f7941d]”I already know. I want to know if you know. All these different legitimacies - at their core, what do they instill in the followers?”[/color] The snake shrugged. “A purpose, in my eyes. What do you think?” [color=f7941d]”Loyalty.”[/color] Kalmar answered without blinking. [color=f7941d]”And loyalty is based on two things: mutual respect, and self-interest. The self-interest is obvious - it is what they gain, and even with legitimization, many will abandon the leader if they stand to gain nothing. For respect… those in the hierarchy must show it to the leader, but the leader must also return it in kind. If you have both of these, then loyalty is unbreakable. If you only have one, then it is shaky. If you have neither, it doesn’t exist.”[/color] The snake raised a suspicious brow. “Have you been sneak-peeking in my book, Kalmar?” he hissed, stabbing a chopstickfull of noodles into his mouth. “Also, may I take what you said at the end and add it to my work? You put it very well.” He winked playfully. [color=f7941d]”In the wild, animals form packs. For most, these are what hold the packs together. At their very core, I don’t see how this is different from any other hierarchy.”[/color] Kalmar answered. [color=f7941d]”I noticed that Xiaoli was missing, and Arya just left as well, so I thought it would be good advice to prevent it from happening again.”[/color] The snake’s smile turned to a scowl. However, after a moment, he recollected himself. “Rubbing salt in the wound so soon, Kalmar? My, you are merciless.” He ate another mouthful of noodles and swallowed. “Your advice is sound, brother. Know that I will take it to heart.” He nodded towards Kalmar’s plate. “Have something to eat, please. With there being a colossal hole in the kitchen ceiling, now, we would not want to waste yesterday’s leftovers, would we?” Kalmar nodded. What had held him back was his unfamiliarity with the utensils. Yet he been observing Shengshi’s eating techniques, and felt that he now had a decent grasp of how it was done. His grip on the chopsticks was somewhat clumsy, but it was at least somewhat proper, and he managed to get the food into his mouth. [color=f7941d]”If I see Xiaoli in my travels, do you want me to say anything to her?”[/color] The snake hesitated for a moment. “Tell her…” He took a deep breath. “Tell her that she is sorely missed, and that her master would like her to come home at her earlier convenience.” He discreetly wiped a tear with his napkin. [color=f7941d]”I will.”[/color] Kalmar answered, plucking more noodles from the bowl. [color=f7941d]”Another thing - does our alliance against Orvus still stand? I spoke to him, and I do not think he will change. It could still come to violence.”[/color] “I swore an oath to Arae that the path of diplomacy should take priority - a stance I am slowly adjusting to, I hope. However, should Orvus not see reason, our agreement still stands. Consider the rivers you allies should battle be our only option,” said the snake, lifting his cup in a toast. Kalmar paused, unsure of what that meant, but for a lot of these so-called gestures it seemed as though the correct response was to just do the exact same thing the other person did. He raised his own glass. The snake blinked, then smiled. “Our alliance stands, then, brother. To life.” He raised the cup a little higher before pouring its contents into his mouth in a single gulp. Kalmar drank as well. The taste was fine, but he felt the liquid burn at his throat and wanted to spit it out. Yet Shengshi had drank the same liquid, and they were both gods, so it surely would not kill either of them. He swallowed it. [color=f7941d]”What is this?”[/color] he asked. “Nanhese mango liqueur - one of my finest brews, that one. Was it to your liking?” he snake inquired. [color=f7941d]”The taste was fine. But is it supposed to burn at my throat?”[/color] The snake eyed his own glass and then Kalmar’s. “My, if you thought -that- one burned, I would rather not introduce you to anything made with sleeper’s sand. To answer your question, yes, wine does have a tendency to tickle the throat a little. I suspect it must have been an odd sensation to you.” Kalmar nodded, but his eyes narrowed at the implied challenge. [color=f7941d]”I can handle more than this,”[/color] he said confidently. The snake’s eyes lit up. “Is that so?” he mused. He promptly snapped his fingers and some dirty servants came over with a flask. The symbols on it spelled ‘Heavenly Rest’ and the snake uncorked it, filling the immediate area with a permeating stench that appalled all manner of noses. He poured himself a half-full glass and slithered over to Kalmar, pouring him a full glass. “Here, have a taste. I will only be drinking a half-full glass as I am, uhm, attempting to stop my destructive drinking habits,” the snake admitted sheepishly. [color=f7941d]”Destructive?”[/color] Kalmar asked in confusion. “Yes, well, you know how you mentioned loyalty involves self-interest and mutual respect? Let us just say that I, during some of my more embarrassing episodes relating to wine, failed to inspire both.” The snake looked away, partially for effect, though partially in shame. Kalmar looked around, then picked up the glass, and drank. It was indeed more powerful than the previous beverage, but now he knew what to expect, and so it did little to phase him. He actually rather enjoyed the taste. The snake lifted his cup. “Well, shall we drink one more before I get to work on fixing my ship?” [color=f7941d]”Alright,”[/color] Kalmar said with a shrug as he put the empty glass down. Shengshi downed his own glass and shuddered at the flavour. “Ooo-hoo-hoo, yesss… That is the flavour of divinity! Actually, I wager this wine would likely kill a mortal in uncontrolled doses.” He picked up the bottle and hummed pensively as he inspected it. Kalmar would have perhaps objected to drinking something so lethal, even if it was only toward mortals, yet already the wine was beginning to take hold and cloud his judgement. Besides, to back down would suggest that he was weaker than a mortal. [color=f7941d]”Another, then. And I’ll be on my way.”[/color] The snake chuckled and refilled his and Kalmar’s glasses. “Fine. Another, then.” [hr] After Kalmar had left, Shengshi slithered back up on deck. My, what a mess Anxin had left everything in. It would take him an entirety of three minutes to fix this - valuable time he could have spent writing poetry or playing music to the rhythm of the jungle. At this point, the wine was beginning to take hold, too, and he really could not find the motivation within him to spend all his power to fix the boat. He just wished someone could fix it for him. A bright idea popped into his head and he snapped his fingers. In a moment, all the servants aboard the ship had gathered on deck, and they were zooming all over to avoid popping. The snake grinned - he was glad to see so many had survived. The water of Fengshui Fuyou given life - the ultimate servants. No, not yet ultimate - but soon to be glorious! The snake raised his hands and all the globules stopped in their tracks - however, none of them exploded into the usual spectacle of water and dew. The snake twisted his hands around and the river below began to snake its way up the sides of the ship. “Servants! Hear your lord speak!” There was silence, but he knew they were listening. “From this moment, you are all promoted - you have served well; you have served with faith; you have served with will. Today, your ungrateful lord shall reward you at last with the forms you deserve.” The river water crept aboard and began to enter the globules, bloating their forms and colouring them with mud and sand. Their forms twisted and turned, grew and groaned. They first sprouted appendages which slowly grew into arms and legs. Their blobby bodies sprouted heads, torsos, hips. Their forms were coloured with an outer layer of sand and mud to act as skin, and their heads sprouted hair made of black grass and plant detritus. Finally, Shengshi snapped his right finger. Soon, all of them were draped and wrapped in luxurious, yet practical, clothing. Shengshi took a moment to gaze out across the enormous host of people. Nearly ten thousand individuals, both men and women, stood before him on deck - it being incredibly cramped due to the colossal hole in the centre. The snake felt a slight pain in his chest when he noticed how similar they all were to Xiaoli. The snake was nonetheless determined. He slithered through the masses and mounted the dragon’s head. He felt a delightful knot in his throat as the ten thousand faces stared expectantly back at him. “Who are you?!” he roared. “We are the servants of His Lordship Shengshi, master of all rivers!” they answered in unison. The snake felt giddy. “What is your duty?!” “To tend to His Lordship’s and His Lordship’s guests’ every need - to the letter!” “To the letter,” the snake whispered happily to himself. “And do you pledge to serve me, Shengshi, until the end of time, in exchange for my vow to be a lord of good morals to all?!” The servants all got on their knees and kowtowed before Shengshi. “Until the end of time, we will serve our lord, Shengshi!” The snake grinned from ear to ear. “Blessed be all of you, you loyal subjects. My first task is for you to repair the deck. Do so, and I shall personally see to it that the servants’ quarters is refurbished into the most luxurious on Galbar.” The servants immediately scrambled to fetch divine wood and oil from below deck. The snake snickered. “Beautiful creatures”, he mused. [hr] [hider=Summarino] Kalmar examines Arryn’s memories, and is both outraged at Shengshi’s behavior, and annoyed at Asceal’s intervention in his affairs. He immediately sets off for a confrontation. Meanwhile, Arya wakes up to find herself floating, as a result of her power of flight. Eventually she learns to control it, and talks to Shengshi about it. He withholds the truth, instead telling her that is a result of her proximity to divinity. The two get into another dispute about freedom and choice, but just as it is getting resolved, Kalmar interrupts by landing on deck and demanding Shengshi’s presence. Arya reaches him first. They talk about what happened, with Kalmar wondering if she is there by choice or not. She explains she wants to learn more so she can get back to her father. Kalmar reveals that he spoke to her father while she was gone, and she becomes enraged. He manages to calm her down, then Shengshi appears. A furious Kalmar flies up to confront him. Some back and forth arguing ensues, with Arya caught in the middle, and at one point Kalmar pushes Shengshi toward the railing. Kalmar demands that Shengshi bow to him and apologize, while also demanding other conditions - mainly, that Shengshi never come within sight of Kalgrun, that he never threaten or attack any of Kalmar’s followers, and also that Arya be granted her freedom. Shengshi agrees. The two go down to the deck where Shengshi bows and swears the oath. Kalmar immediately regrets asking him to bow, and offers to help him up, which only annoys the snake even further because he was not finished his gesture. After it is done, they shake hands, and Kalmar apologizes as well, taking pains to be courteous and also declaring that they are no longer enemies. Then Arya notices the ring that Orvus left her, and asks Shengshi about it. Shengshi admits that Orvus visited her while she slept. Once again, she becomes angry that one of her mentors consulted her father without telling her, but this time she blows a hole in Shengshi’s ship and flies away, leaving Shengshi and Kalmar alone. Shengshi is devastated, but eventually he recovers. He and Kalmar have a surprisingly civil conversation inside. Kalmar tries to give him some advice on leadership, and also offers to give a message to Xiaoli if he happens to meet her in the future. They reconfirm their alliance against Orvus, then toast to it, and Kalmar has two more glasses for good measure before leaving. Once he is gone, Shengshi upgrades his servants, granting them sentience. He proceeds to have them repair the damages. [/hider] [hider=Might Expenditure] Shengshi: 5MP/8FP 4MP to upgrade the water blob servants to sentient water humans like Xiaoli. 1MP/8FP remaining. [/hider] [hider=Prestige] Arya: +3 Prestige Starting +1 For Minor Role +1 For Major Role +1 For Jolly Collaboration = +6 Prestige Ending [/hider]