[h2]?[/h2] The Kings, the 'bartender', and Iskandar's loyal follower were not the only ones at the bar, though it wasn't impossible that they may not have noticed the other guest immediately. Of course, someone such as Gilgamesh would be quite perceptive, but the situation may simply have caused them to be unaware of the other notable customer. Or perhaps not a customer. She had never gone up to the counter, and yet somehow she certainly had a glass of red wine. The figure observing them, a small smile on her lips, was apparently a little girl, a child no older then nine or ten. By appearances, she was quite cute, the sort of child you might expect to play a role as the 'endearing little girl' in a movie. But there were a few things somewhat unusual about her looks, as well. She was incredibly pale, not to an unnatural extent, but certainly it was notable. The fact that her eyes were remarkably crimson was notable as well, though perhaps much less unusual considering that Servants dwelt in the city of Fusang. Her hair was pale blue, and ended strangely in almost squared-off tips, as if it naturally grew that way. She seemed content to simply observe the kings and Iskander's retainer, but if not noticed soon she would likely approach. Gilgamesh would recognize her almost instantly, even if he had not been the perceptive king that he was, but the others perhaps not. [@DocRock][@Raineh Daze][@PKMNB0Y]