[center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/IllinformedKaleidoscopicAustraliankestrel-max-1mb.gif[/img] [color=9966CC][h1][b]GAIA BRADLEY [/b][/h1] [/color] [i]Interacting with everyone at the table [/i] [sub] The color change is temporary y'all [/sub] [/center] Gaia watched as everyone made their introductions and nodded as they spoke, some of the details becoming more blurry as she thought about how much this all was going to suck. She noticed Naoko had been seated at the same table as she was though, so she was happy...kind of. Her fingers tapped at the champagne glass in front of her, an impatient yet lazy and languid movement. As the CEO of TAP stepped up onto the stage she turned her head and watched as he spoke. The words coming out of his mouth sounded even crazier as he spoke them. Indicators...in their icecream? Now that was way too overdramatic. Gaia shook her head to herself but tried not to show too much of her disbelief. A tiny sliver of her still wanted to find her match and so if everyone saw her disregard for the whole program...well, that would not allow her to get what she secretly wanted. God, did she sound nuts. Gaia pushed back a lock of her glossy brown hair and clapped softly as Vance finished his speech. The flutes full with bejewelling colors circulated around the room, a light pastel [color=9966CC]purple[/color] ice cream with white swirls being placed in front of Gaia. She twirled the small parchment label with the edges of her nails before she pulled off the string and dipped a spoon into the ice cream. She lifted the spoon into her mouth. Grape sorbet? Or something like it. She pushed her spoon back into the desert before she felt it hit something hard. Retracting back the utensil and furrowing her brows Gaia used the spoon to try and uncover what was inside. Once she had gotten it out, still fairly coated in icecream she realised that it looked a hell lot like a ring. Gaia grabbed a tissue and quickly cleaned off the object before holding it up to the light. It was a ring! And was that... she looked closer at the gem set into the ring and smiled. An [color=9966CC]amethyst[/color]. She'd always liked amethysts. Quietly she slipped the ring onto her finger and held it up to the light before she finished off the rest of the ice cream. She didn't want to be the first to call out finding her soulmate. This time, maybe, someone had to notice the girl in the back and find her.